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How to make constant randomly placed explosions in editor?

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_pos = position Center;

_pX = _pos select 0;

_pY = _pos Select 1;

while {not (isNull Center)} do


for "_i" from 1 to 5 do


private ["_dX","_dY","_tX","_tY"];

_dX = (random 250) - (random 250);

_dY = (random 250) - (random 250);

_tX = _pX + _dX;

_tY = _pY + _dY;

_bum = "Sh_82mm_AMOS" createVehicle [_tX, _tY, 10];

sleep 1;


sleep 1;


I put that in arty.sqf and in init.sqf I put _arty = [] execVM "arty.sqf"; This worked in Arma 2 any one know how I can get it to work in Arma 3?

Edited by dpatt711

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ARTY_Sh_81_HE is probably not in ARMA III?

Edited, still does not work.

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_pos = position Center;

_pX = _pos select 0;
_pY = _pos Select 1;

while {not (isNull Center)} do
   for "_i" from 1 to 5 do
       private ["_dX","_dY","_tX","_tY"];
       _dX = (random 250) - (random 250);
       _dY = (random 250) - (random 250);

       _tX = _pX + _dX;
       _tY = _pY + _dY;
       _bum = "Sh_82mm_AMOS" createVehicle [_tX, _tY, 10];
       sleep 1;
   sleep 1;

I put that in arty.sqf and in init.sqf I put _arty = [] execVM "arty.sqf"; This worked in Arma 2 any one know how I can get it to work in Arma 3?

Hi, I need this script for A2.

Do you have a thread open in A2 about this script because I've got a question or two to ask and I don't want to derail your thread.


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After a quick test it seems like only mortar rounds can be spawned, presumably since no artillery assets are available in the Alpha.

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