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Using ArmA 3 Ground textures

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Hey fellas,

I was wondering if anyone has managed to use the ArmA 3 ground textures yet.

Whenever I try (created the .rvmats myself) this is what happens :


And then, when I come closer, instead of loading the ground textures, it does this:


I guess this might be due to the lacking _mco texture files but that's only a guess.

This is my layers.cfg and one of my .rvmats :

class Layers 
class gdt_grass_green {
       texture = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_grass_green_co.paa";
       material = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_grass_green.rvmat";
class gdt_strbeach {
	texture = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_strbeach_co.paa";
       material = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_strbeach.rvmat";
class gdt_strconcrete {
	texture = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_strconcrete_co.paa";
       material = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_strconcrete.rvmat";
class gdt_strdeepsea {
	texture = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_strdeepsea_co.paa";
       material = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_strdeepsea.rvmat";
class gdt_strdirt {
	texture = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_strdirt_co.paa";
       material = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_strdirt.rvmat";
class gdt_strdrygrass {
	texture = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_strdrygrass_co.paa";
       material = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_strdrygrass.rvmat";
class gdt_strforest_olive {
	texture = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_strforest_olive_co.paa";
       material = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_strforest_olive.rvmat";
class gdt_strforest_pine {
	texture = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_strforest_pine_co.paa";
       material = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_strforest_pine.rvmat";
class gdt_strgreengrass {
	texture = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_strgreengrass_co.paa";
       material = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_strgreengrass.rvmat";
class gdt_strrocky {
	texture = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_strrocky_co.paa";
       material = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_strrocky.rvmat";
class gdt_strseabed {
	texture = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_strseabed_co.paa";
       material = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_strseabed.rvmat";
class gdt_strthistles {
	texture = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_strthistles_co.paa";
       material = "FJ_Paristero\data\gdt_strthistles.rvmat";

class Legend {

   picture = "FJ_Paristero\Source\mapLegend.png";
class Colors 
       gdt_strbeach[] = {{230, 230, 120}};
	gdt_strthistles[] = {{175, 161, 131}};
	gdt_strseabed[] = {{120, 121, 120}};
	gdt_strrocky[] = {{120, 122, 122}, {120, 120, 120}, {80, 80, 80}};
	gdt_grass_green[] = {{140, 195, 80}, {140, 185, 70}, {120, 190, 80}, {110, 180, 80}, {110, 190, 80}};
	gdt_strdrygrass[] = {{170, 190, 80}, {160, 195, 80}, {150, 195, 80}, {170, 180, 70}, {}};


ambient[] = {0.9,0.9,0.9,1};
diffuse[] = {0.9,0.9,0.9,1};
forcedDiffuse[] = {0.02,0.02,0.02,1};
specular[] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0};
specularPower = 1; // specular interpolator must be enabled
emmisive[] = {0,0,0,0};

PixelShaderID = "NormalMapDiffuse";
VertexShaderID = "NormalMapDiffuseAlpha";

//surfaceInfo = "landtext\bumps.bisurf";

class Stage1
{ // normal map
 class uvTransform
   aside[] = {10,0,0};
   up[]    = {0,10,0};
   dir[]   = {0,0,10};
   pos[]   = {0,0,0};
class Stage2

As always, I'd greatly appreciate any advice or guidance in regards to this problem.

Thanks in advance,


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Wrong Layers.cfg and where is stage 2 in your rvmat?



ambient[] = {0.9,0.9,0.9,1};

diffuse[] = {0.9,0.9,0.9,1};

forcedDiffuse[] = {0.02,0.02,0.02,1};

specular[] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0};

specularPower = 1; // specular interpolator must be enabled

emmisive[] = {0,0,0,0};

PixelShaderID = "NormalMapDiffuse";

VertexShaderID = "NormalMapDiffuseAlpha";

//surfaceInfo = "landtext\bumps.bisurf";

class Stage1

{ // normal map



class uvTransform


aside[] = {10,0,0};

up[] = {0,10,0};

dir[] = {0,0,10};

pos[] = {0,0,0};



class Stage2




class uvTransform


aside[] = {10,0,0};

up[] = {0,10,0};

dir[] = {0,0,10};

pos[] = {0,0,0};




class Layers


class sat_practa_ground


texture = "sat\sat_practa\data\satpracta_mco.png";

material= "sat\sat_practa\data\satpracta.rvmat";



class Legend



class Colors





As always i recommend keep it simple for the beginning, so you have a good overview and use your own names for the files.

Edited by Atsche

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Wrong Layers.cfg and where is stage 2 in your rvmat?



ambient[] = {0.9,0.9,0.9,1};

diffuse[] = {0.9,0.9,0.9,1};

forcedDiffuse[] = {0.02,0.02,0.02,1};

specular[] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0};

specularPower = 1; // specular interpolator must be enabled

emmisive[] = {0,0,0,0};

PixelShaderID = "NormalMapDiffuse";

VertexShaderID = "NormalMapDiffuseAlpha";

//surfaceInfo = "landtext\bumps.bisurf";

class Stage1

{ // normal map



class uvTransform


aside[] = {10,0,0};

up[] = {0,10,0};

dir[] = {0,0,10};

pos[] = {0,0,0};



class Stage2




class uvTransform


aside[] = {10,0,0};

up[] = {0,10,0};

dir[] = {0,0,10};

pos[] = {0,0,0};




class Layers


class sat_practa_ground


texture = "sat\sat_practa\data\satpracta_mco.png";

material= "sat\sat_practa\data\satpracta.rvmat";



class Legend



class Colors





Thanks for your response but the problem is, there is no "_mco" texture, so there's nothing to add to the "texture = " part of the layers.cfg other than the _co.

I'm talking about the files in the "map_data" file.

Edit: I guess I'm just going got create the mco files myself :)

Edited by FreakJoe

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Then you know what you have to do. Ever thought of create that mco by yourself maby or take one from a2? :p

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or simply use the already existing middle_mco instead of the individual ones

I ended up creating them myself. If anyone is too "lazy" to make them himself, let me know and I'll upload them.

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I ended up creating them myself. If anyone is too "lazy" to make them himself, let me know and I'll upload them.

It´s actually not that much a difficult Job, the only thing that is needed is a proper Program like Crazybump that creates the needed map on its own, but you could nonetheless show an example of what you´ve created and whether or not it works properly in your project...what a program are you using to do so?

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It´s actually not that much a difficult Job, the only thing that is needed is a proper Program like Crazybump that creates the needed map on its own, but you could nonetheless show an example of what you´ve created and whether or not it works properly in your project...what a program are you using to do so?

I just tried using the hi-pass filter in Photoshop and it seemed to work just fine.


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It´s actually not that much a difficult Job, the only thing that is needed is a proper Program like Crazybump that creates the needed map on its own, but you could nonetheless show an example of what you´ve created and whether or not it works properly in your project...what a program are you using to do so?

Gimp works great too! Just need download the normalmap filter.

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Gimp works great too! Just need download the normalmap filter.

well, I have Gimp installed as well and may be should give it a shot...where can I get the filter from, from the Gimp developer webpage?

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You can get the Hi Pass filter for Gimp from my little website (Resources & Tuts section)... I've recommended it so many times for _mco making in Gimp I keep it available there permanently nowadays....

I've not been keeping up with recent Gimp releases, but afaik it should work fine with the latest version...

There's a normalmap plugin here, but "shop around" a little for these, there's several around...


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well, I have Gimp installed as well and may be should give it a shot...where can I get the filter from, from the Gimp developer webpage?

Hmm I can't recall where I got it from. I think I just searched google for 'normalmap' for gimp plugin and popped up.

Edit- just realized I didn't refresh my page and I see bushlurker already responded.

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I think my question fits most in here:

I get this errormessge in the logfile while running bipbo:

Bad version 58 in p3d file 'a3\plants_f\clutter\c_strgrassgreen_group.p3d'

this is for all defined clutters in my cfgClutter.hpp.

Is this error due to the still no available BIStools?

I found this thread with a similar error so I suppose its caused by a Version number of the tools, am I right?

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I'm not entirely sure about the error however I can tell you I have clutter on my island with no errors in the bin log

Edited by M1lkm8n

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I ended up creating them myself. If anyone is too "lazy" to make them himself, let me know and I'll upload them.

I sir am too lazy...Care to upload them? =) Mostly saves me time, and I hate photo editing. Much appreciated thanks!

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