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Squad name: TAW-The Art of Warfare-NA Division
Timezone/location: USA-all timezones
Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): tactical COOP
Contact email: see website
Website address: http://www.taw.net
Short description: Multigaming Community founded by arma3 players for many years
Language: English 

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Squad name: Operational Detachment: Cerberus

Timezone/location: GMT-6 (CST/USA)

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): COOP

Contact email: See website

Website address: Coming Soon!

Short description: High-Speed, Low-Drag Small-Team Tactical Realism

Language: English

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Squad name: ARAIG Operations
Timezone/location: UTC-6 (US Central)
Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): PVP/COOP Milsim
Contact email: see teamspeak
Teamspeak address:  araig-gaming.ddns.net
Short description: Small Arma 3 community participating in cooperative and competitive operations with other like communities 
Language: English

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Squad name: -Midnight 669th
Timezone/location: Worldwide
Gamemode preference: COOP ROLEPLAY PVE MISILIM  PvP (We Do Match Squad vs. Squad Organized)
Contact email: [email protected]
Website address: http://midnight-community.com

Teamspeak:  ts.midnight-community.com
Short description:We are a group of guys building a unit for Arma 3 and many more games not only in Arma 3 who are here to have fun, but at the same time we take battles seriously. If you are here looking to join come to the TeamSpeak. We are currently working on filling up our ranks, Armor, AAA, Armored Recon, Support, and Air (Helicopters). and more
Language: English, German

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Squad name: Kill'n'Destroy Squad - [KND.Squad]
Timezone/location: GMT+3 (Moscow)
Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): CTF, CTI, C&H, BIG Games
Contact email: [email protected][email protected]
Website address: http://killndestroy.ru/
Short description: Since OFP, Old School
Language: Russian, Belarussian, Ukraine 

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Squad name: 1st Battalion, Royal Anglian Regiment
Timezone/location: GMT (United Kingdom)
Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Tactical COOP
Contact email: View website
Website address: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/1RANGLIAN
Short description: ArmA 3 Realism unit
Language: English

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Squad name: 45th Airborne Regiment


Timezone/location: International, however our events are hosted in GMT -5
Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Coop, Milsim
Website address: www.45thairborne.com
Short description: The 45th Airborne Regiment is an OPFOR-based Unit made for English speakers wishing to try something than the ordinary BLUFOR Milsim. If you want more infor visit our TeamSpeak at: ts3.45thairborne.com
Language: English

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Squad name: Special Operations Command Australia (SOCOMD AU)

Timezone/location: GMT +10
Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): COOP with some PVP
Contact email: [email protected] 
Website address: www.socomd.com
Short description: Special Operations Command Australia (SOCOMD AU) is an Australian based Arma 3 MILSIM unit that is structured around the Commando Regiment of the Australian Defence Force. SOCOMD AU specialises largely in CO-OP (with the exception of some TvT) Arma 3 gameplay, utilising equipment, strategies and tactics based on those employed by the Australian Military.
Language: English

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Squad name: North Atlantic Coalition


Timezone/location: US/CA/UK/EU
Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Mainly COOP 
Contact email:  [email protected]
Website address: www.http://northatlanticcoilition.enjin.com
Short description: Our group is built around creating video content for YouTube and Twitch using Arma 3 as our main subject.
We're looking for other players that would like to join us to create content for their own YouTube and Twitch channels while playing Arma 3

This consists of playing missions using teamwork and communications in a semi-realistic fashion. 
We're looking to have fun while at the same time creating videos that are interesting to watch. We're looking for like minded people!

Language: English

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​Squad Name: Air Force Special Operations Command (JSOC)

Timezone: Eastern Standard Timezone

​Gamemode Preference: COOP

Contact Email: ​[email protected]

Website: http://afsoc.shivtr.com

Short Description: ​The Air Force Special Operations Command's main focus, besides the unit's internal operations, is to support other MILSIM units in joint operations by providing Pararescue, combat control, and aerial transportation assets. We work to provide players a fun and professional military experience. AFSOC is comprised of the 333rd Special Tactics Group, and the 402nd Special Tactics Wing.

​Language: English

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Nom de Squad:  Seal Team 6
Fuseau horaire / lieu:  GMT + 1 (France)
Gamemode préférence: Milsim,tactique,coop 
Contact email:  [email protected]
Adresse du site:  http://frsealteam6.e-monsite.com/
Short description: Team Milsim Franco/ Belge Jouant une Unité d'élite de la Navy Seal, la SealTeam 6 (DEVGRU). 

Langue:  Français/English

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Squad name: 3rd Battalion 9th Ranger Regiment 
Timezone/location: EST (US)
Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp):CO-OP/ Custom/ Insurgency 
Contact email:  [email protected] 
Website address: http://3rdof9threg.enjin.com/home
Short description:The 3rd Battalion 9th Ranger Regiment is a tactical realism unit that strives to provide an environment of professionalism,                                         training, loyalty, pride, Commitment and fun for all its members. 
Language: English 


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Squad name: Rogue Warrior Gamers
Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Tactical COOP
Contact email: see website
Website address: http://www.roguewarriorgamers.com/home
Short description: Multigaming Community been around for years players include people who have played since Ofp. Playing numerous different games.
Language: English          

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Squad name: Task Force 72

Timezone/location: CT

Gamemode prefernce: COOP

Contact emailSee website

Website address: http://taskforce72.enjin.com/

Short description: The Taskforce72 is a community based around realistic, tactical, and casual gameplay. We are a mature hybrid community that offers both realistic hardcore gameplay as well as casual environments as well.

Language: English 

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Squad name: Black Knights Special Forces(PMC Realism Unit)
Timezone/location: GMT-05:00
Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Tactical Realism COOP
Contact email: [email protected]
Website address: blackknightsgamingcommunity.com
Short description: Multigaming community that likes to have fun and play for the sake of realism. We are a group of mature and friendly players that offer a hardcore and casual gameplay environment. We're not time-restrictive.
Language: English

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Squad name: 8th Infantry Division
Timezone/location: EST
Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Both, we enjoy milsim PVP
Contact email: check our website for contact emails of all officers
Website address: http://8thid.forumotion.com/
Short description: We are a military sim unit that focuses on ARMA3 and Americas Army Proving Grounds. We are looking for active Arma players and leaders.
Language: English 

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Squad name: Worthy Platoon

Timezone/location : GMT

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): COOP

Contact email: N/A

Short description: We are an Arma 3 co-op community that plays weekend sessions as well as various midweek activities. We are an Arma 3 co-op community that plays weekly sessions on Saturday at 1800 GMT. We have a strongly committed core group of players and are always welcoming others who may be looking to join us. More information can be found on our website.

Language: English

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Hello everyone. We are pleased to announce the S4L squads koth server is up and running! We are a U.S based 50 slot (more tactics, less chaos) adult server, infantry only (no weapons on vehicles, true infantry server). If you are interested in joining or just want to have fun come in and join us!


We look forward to meeting you guys.

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Squad name: Capwell Studios

Timezone/location: GMT+0

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): PvP and PvE

Contact email: [email protected]

Website address: http://capwell.co.uk/

Short description: Capwell Studios is a ARMA 3 community that is based around the PvP and PvE area, as a provider of gameplay experiences. With a solid background in the MILSIM area of ARMA 3, this community is bringing PvP, PvE experiences with a mashup of MILSIM.

Language: English

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Squad name: 77th Field Artillery Regiment

Timezone/location: GMT

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Coop and PvP

Short description: The 77th Field Artillery Regiment is a military simulation community operating in Bohemia Interactive’s Arma 3. The community is based in Europe, operating in the GMT timezone. We strive to provide a realistic environment in our events. We aim to support other units and communities in their operations as artillery support. 

Language: English

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