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Squad/Clan List - Please read the rules in first post!

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Squad name: Rapid Anti-Terrorism & Intelligence Deployment Services (R.A.I.D.)

Timezone/location : North American

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Coop and light PVP

Contact email: http://raidpmc.enjin.com/contact

Website address: http://raidpmc.enjin.com/home

Short description: We are an ArmA 3 based PMC unit. We utilize combined arms to complete various missions. When our numbers grow some and we are proficient we will begin working with other units as contractors in their larger operations.

Language: English

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Squad name: 32nd Cavalry Regiment [32ndCR]

Timezone/location: EST (North America)

Gamemode preference : Mainly COOP with some PVP

Contact email: [email protected]

Website address: http://www.32ndcr.net/

Short description: A brand new ARMA 3 group looking to play in as Vietnam style Air mobile Infantry with goals of joint operations with and against other groups.

Language: English

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Squad name: Elite Warriors

Timezone/location: GMT UK

Gamemode preference: COOP/TVT

Contact email: [email protected]

Website address: www.elite-warriors.co.uk / www.elite-warriors.com

Short description: TeamSpeak = ts3.elite-warriors.co.uk

Language: English

Interested?:Talk to one of our Recruitment officers: Chess, Thesilverzim, Them1ghtyduck

Edited by KBBW123

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Squad name: -RHF-

Timezone/location : GMT +1

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): ALL

Contact email: N/A

Website address: gaming-rhf.tk

Short description: Arma 3 & Steam Clan! join to have fun, we're not a serious clan :D

Language: ANY


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Squad name:- Unit D-588

Timezone/location : GMT+0 (International)

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Co-op (Will be some PvP in future)

Contact email: See website

Website address: http://ud588.com/

Short description: Unit D-588 is a group of like-minded individuals who all love ArmA to it's fullest extent, but do not want to deal with the official riff of hardcore milsim culture. (Mil-sim but without the bullshit/drama)

Language: English

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Squad name:- United States Army Special Operations Command

Timezone/location : Central

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Coop

Contact email: arma3.usasoc@gmail[dot]com

Website address: usasoc[dot]net

Short description: Arma 3 MILSIM gaming community

Language: English

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Squad name: 5 Commando Brigade (5Cdo)

Timezone/location : WORLDWIDE

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): COOP

Contact email: [email protected]

Website address: www.5commando.com

Short description: Friendly Tactical/Milsim unit operating as British Royal Marine Commando's.

Language: ENGLISH

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Squad name: Ironside International [ix2]

Timezone/location : Central

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Coop/TVT/PVP/RP

Contact email: N/A (See Forum)

Website address: ironsideint.com

Short description: A Arma 3 Private Military Corporation unit focused on mature gameplay and fun. By not attempting to simulate an actual unit, we have allowed ourselves to go any direction we'd like regarding contracts, missions, play styles, weapons, equipment, mods, etc. We're a relatively small community and believe in quality over quantity.

Language: English

Edited by MjolnirAnSionnach
Added RP(Roleplay)

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Squad name: NATOJO Task Force Phoenix

Timezone/location: 2100 Zulu

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Mainly Co-op

Contact email: [email protected]

Website address: NATOJO

Short description: ARMA III military tactical realism unit

Language: English

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Squad name:Fighting 13th [13th]

Timezone/location: EU, GMT

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Coop on our own server and wasteland/king of hill online.

Contact email: Contact through our website

Website address: www fighting 13th. com

Short description: 17+ of age, TS required. Practise day and times; sunday & wednesday 20:00 GMT+1, looking for new squadmates, sign up through our website :)

Language: English

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Squad name: DreadReapers

Timezone/location : International

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): PvP,TvT and Clanwar

Contact email:-

Website address:-

Short description: add me on steam for more info [DR]Mental

Language: English

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Squad name:- 167th Warriors

Timezone/location : EDT/EST

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Co-op

Contact email: [email protected]

Website address: http://167thwarriors.enjin.com/home

Short description: Semi-realism unit, public server & teamspeak, planning for the future so join in and contribute!

Language: English (majority of members are from the US & Canada)

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1 Rifles

Timezone/location: GMT

Website: http://therifles.webs.com/ [still under construcion]

Contact email: [email protected]

Teamspeak3 address: rifles.ts.nfoservers.com (ask for Sjt. J. Arhem)

Needed roles: Riflemen, Pilots [urgently needed]

We are a newly formed unit looking for members to bring us up to three sections (Currently only one section). We place a heavy focus on training to build a good camaraderie and tactical awareness. Due to this any member with as much or little experience (none is fine) or of any age is allowed to join and test themselves on the combat infantryman course before becoming a rifleman and being assigned to a section where your training will be built upon further and you will partake fully in operations. We are also looking for a pilot prepared to operate helicopters, if you are interested in this message me as soon as possible.

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Squad name: =X= Barelabelgaming

Timezone/location :US mostly central and eastern time, some pacific

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): coop and pvp

Contact email: [email protected] clan tag name: mcdonald77

Website address: www.barelabelgaming.com / ts3.barelabelgaming.com:121000

Short description: Just people wanting to play Arma based games with other people. Friendly environment with mutual respect. Dont really matter if your already in a clan, stop by our Teamspeak and play for a bit. Currently hitting Arma3 king of the hill pretty hard with an average of 3-8 players on at times. We have multiple TS channels if coms get to loud.

Language: english

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Squad name: =X= Barelabelgaming

Timezone/location :US mostly central and eastern time, some pacific

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): coop and pvp

Contact email: [email protected] clan tag name: mcdonald77

Website address: www.barelabelgaming.com / ts3.barelabelgaming.com:121000

Short description: Just people wanting to play Arma based games with other people. Friendly environment with mutual respect. Dont really matter if your already in a clan, stop by our Teamspeak and play for a bit. Currently hitting Arma3 king of the hill pretty hard with an average of 3-8 players on at times. We have multiple TS channels if coms get to loud.

Language: english

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Squad name : FOLK ARPS

Timezone/location : GMT (Britain/International)

Gamemode preference : Coop & PVP

Contact email : [email protected]

Website address : www.folkarps.com

Short description: Community open to all. No attendance requirements. Focus on tactical play without mods (no respawn). Nothing mandatory, no ranks or restrictions on roles.

Language : English

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Squad name: 7th Special Forces Group

Timezone/location : US Central Time Zone

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Coop/Milsim

Contact email: [email protected]

Website address: http://7thsfga3.enjin.com/

Short description: Arma 3 milsim SF group currently 50 members strong looking for active and dedicated members

Language: English

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Squad name:- PHOENIX Consulting Tactical Gamers

Timezone/location : Central Time/USA

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): coop using custom made missions every week

Contact email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Website address: www.phxtactical.us | ts.phxtactical.us:11630 password "phxc" |

Short description: Founded by veteran group of Arma enthusiasts. Excellent public server and host custom operations every Saturday. Filter PHOENIX and look for our one-of-a-kind Domination server. Please check the notes as many client-side mods have been enabled (no mods are required to play).

Language: English


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Squad name : Team Judge

Timezone/location : GMT -5:00/US Multiple Locations

Gamemode preference : Coop

Contact email : [email protected]

Website address : www.teamjudge.com

Short description: Team Judge is not a clan like others, We enjoy competing against one another for fun but are not to heavily ranked and structured like most Mil-Sim units in the ARMA community. Our team enjoys many types of games so if you are looking for a laid back atmosphere. Give us a look. We have an active TS3 and ARMA 3 Server listed under Team Judge.

Language : English

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Squad name:- Grumpy Gamers

Timezone/location : Central Timezone (-6CST, -5CDT)/United States

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Primarily coop but do support PvP

Contact email: See website and forums and contact Smith.

Website address: www.grumpygamers.net

Short description: We are a gaming community (not a MilSim unit) that is expanding into the Arma-verse. We have many members who are former members of big-name Arma squads (7thCav, 173rdAB, 15thMEU(SOC)) that are tired of rank structures and useless command drivel that just want to work and play as a team and as a member of a community as a whole without all of the order-giving. Our command structure is simplified and we offer a dedicated Teamspeak that is accessible once you register on our site.

Language: English

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Squad name: Bombrats

Timezone/location : Germany, GMT+1

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): coop

Contact email: [email protected]

Website address: http://www.bombrats.com

Short description: Keine Anwesenheitspflicht. Wir haben alle Familie + Job, RL geht immer vor. Unsere Member sind zw- 25 und 45+ Jahre alt.

Language: German only (sorry)

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Squad name:- 7th Special Forces Group

Timezone/location : Worldwide Training and Ops 3:00 pm EST Saturday and Sundays

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Coop

Contact email: [email protected]

Website address:http://7thsfgroup.com/

Short description:. We are currently recruiting all serious Arma 3 players. We are a realism unit and do everything by the book and in a tactical and real world fasion

Language: English

Note to Admins the other 7thSFG Changed there Name to 5thSFG due to name conflict

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Squad name: 24thMEU Realism Unit

Timezone/location : CET (Czech Republic)

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): COOP

Contact email: [email protected]

Website address: http://24thmeu.symbiant.cz

Short description: We are new but still first MEU in Czech & Slovakia Republic. We're accepting new people. Limited to czech speakers only.

Language: Czech, Slovakia only

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