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Unable configuring 360 controller.

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I have been trying unsuccessfully to edit the button layout for the 360 controller, specifically the Q(lean left) and E(lean right) keys. I would like to bind these keys to the left and right shoulder buttons on the 360 controller. No success so far, any ideas Folks?:confused:

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I will suggest that you play with mouse and keyboard, its hard at the beginning but eventually you will get used to it.

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^ What EmirSc said.. While I am a big Xbox guy... I own two xp500's couple scuff controllers and two xbox's... PC gaming is a different beast, Arma has way to many controls to try and fit onto a 14 button thing... Plus moue and keyboard handle much better, I tested the Hunter with my xbox controller and I have to say total crap. If your wanting something to use beside keyboard and mouse, pick up some rudder pedals, I watched Dslyecxi from Shack Tac's video and hooked up an old set I had, worth it, I'll be grabbing a good set closer to launch for sure...Assigning lean while infantry to the pedals works amazing.

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I don't think its in yet I feel your pain I can't invert my Y axis and its driving me crazy. I like my games with a controller. Besides the clonky movement I play Arma 2 just fine. I would wait for a patch its only Alpha and I wouldn't think controller support is High on the to do list. I am very grateful for them including controller support

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Only use 360 controller for Helis or vehicles driving if needed (or if you are and problems then report it officially), deff not for infantry controls, this isn't COD :) . There is a big thread in Arma2 general lost in the mist of time all about this with someone wanting to do it, end result was just arguments and things but the general posting was "WTF? Xbox controller for infantry controls!?" ... something along those lines anyway.

Infantry controlling is just not designed for anything other KB/Mouse, other than a crap experience.

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I believe that is only opinion whether controller is a crap experience. I personally feel the same way about Mouse and K/B for any game except for strategy games but that's just my opinion. I feel like the infantry control's that are in game game feel damn good. Why this got to be COD to use a controller I take my gaming serious and been using a controller for the 20 years and I'm not about to change that now cause someone tell me that's how I should play my Game. I don't mean to sound as hostile as I'm coming off cause everyone has been very respectable in this thread but these arguments always start in threads that never asked whether to play m k/b or controller.

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I wasn't arguing, but its a simple fact that this game wasn't "designed" for that type of controller for infantry, that's all. How you deal with it or use is certainly up to you, but dont expect a great feeling with it or more to the point much BI input in that situation, but, as far as flying helis & driving, it works fairly well esp so far as far as A2 is concerned.

I salute anyone who can play this as infantry esp in a large battle using a 360 controller, I couldn't do it for toffee, is it even fully possible? What about calling in air strikes using binos & gear changing, and scrolling through menus for gear and all those things? By the time I needed to switch to do some external selection features I would be just using keyboard and dropping the controller.

BTW Im not talking about 360 support in the game generally if there's a bug, then its a bug to report for sure, but just the infantry side.

Edited by mrcash2009

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I wasn't arguing, but its a simple fact that this game wasn't "designed" for that type of controller for infantry, that's all. How you deal with it or use is certainly up to you, but dont expect a great feeling with it or more to the point much BI input in that situation, but, as far as flying helis & driving, it works fairly well esp so far as far as A2 is concerned.

I salute anyone who can play this as infantry esp in a large battle using a 360 controller, I couldn't do it for toffee, is it even fully possible? What about calling in air strikes using binos & gear changing, and scrolling through menus for gear and all those things? By the time I needed to switch to do some external selection features I would be just using keyboard and dropping the controller.

BTW Im not talking about 360 support in the game generally if there's a bug, then its a bug to report for sure, but just the infantry side.

I've used a 360 controller in all compatible arma series for years, it was excellent on all versions bar Arma 3 Alpha. Arma 2 had it sussed where the 360 controller was concerned, on version 2 you could pretty much carry out all of the primary controls from your 360 controller i.e movement, change weapons, drive all vehicles, fly all air crafts just like in Battlefield; you could even pull up the map and and use your wired 360 headset for in game voice etc.

The only time i ever really need to use the keyboard is for the following:

  • To type in game
  • Add way-points
  • Climb (with the V key)
  • flares in aircraft's

Most of the settings mentioned i very rarely use, so for me the 360 controller is brilliant. I hope the developers of Arma3 add better game controller profiles for our 360 controllers as before.

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