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Live Feed, someone to explain?

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Can someone explain how to make it really work?

I figured out how to make it follow a unit, just Sync the "Livefeed - Init" to You, then sync "Livefeed - Source" to the unit you want to follow and to your "Livefeed - Init"

But what is the Livefeed Target all about? And how do i start it and shut it down at some point?

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I believe this is the same as TOH, that level where you have to show off flying...You would have a big screen and a "camera" would be watching the unit or object and showing it live on the screen...

Not sure if we can do it in the Alpha though...

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Ahh got it to work. Where i want the camera to point, i placed an invisible soldier, and synchronized the "Livefeed - Target" to it. Then the camera would point to it. But how do i use a trigger to Start and stop the Live feeds?

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if you want to watch a friendly unit.

heres how

place live feed init,source,target

sync all the modules together

sync target and source to the unit you want to watch

sync init to the player

(doing it like the OP said makes the camera always focus on to your player, not the unit)

Edited by ryanbeckey0

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Got it how to work, thanks anyway! :)

But how do i sync so it starts in a trigger and stops?

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This seems like it could be a cool way to get a smoother spectator thing going for after someone dies in MP. Will be watching this.

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Tinkering around with BIS' missions, this is how they did theirs:

[_pos, leader BIS_OP_group3, BIS_player] call BIS_fnc_liveFeed;

(assuming BIS_liveFeed is the name of the module? looks like camscripts work with them too)
BIS_liveFeed camPrepareFOV 0.02;
BIS_liveFeed camCommitPrepared 0;

(this one switches thermal on and off respectively)
2 call BIS_fnc_liveFeedEffects;
[] call BIS_fnc_liveFeedEffects;

(close the feed)
[] call BIS_fnc_liveFeedTerminate;

All this was pulled from the .fsm in the infantry showcase.

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How did you load in the showcase? Was looking for how to load in the showcase in editor, but i just found out how to form Arma 2, not how to do it in Arma 3. Would learn alot from that

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How did you load in the showcase? Was looking for how to load in the showcase in editor, but i just found out how to form Arma 2, not how to do it in Arma 3. Would learn alot from that

The showcases are in missions_f.pbo, you'll need a tool like Eliteness to extract them. Once you've extracted them you can move the mission folders from missions_f\a3\missions_f\showcases into Documents\Arma 3 Alpha\missions to load them in the editor.

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can anyone explain the parameters for the BIS_fnc_liveFeed call?

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can anyone explain the parameters for the BIS_fnc_liveFeed call?


Author: Thomas Ryan

Add effects to a live feed via a module.

	_this: OBJECT - Live Feed - Effects module

// They ran me on a dedicated server. I stopped their function.
if (isDedicated) exitWith {true};

// Wait for a live feed to exist
waitUntil {!(isNil "BIS_liveFeed")};

private ["_module"];
_module = [_this, 0, objNull, [objNull]] call BIS_fnc_param;

// Apply defined effects
private ["_mode"];
_mode = _module getVariable "EffectMode";
_mode call BIS_fnc_liveFeedEffects;



Author: Thomas Ryan

Display a live feed via a module.

	_this: OBJECT - Live Feed - Init module

// Need not be run on dedicated servers
if (isDedicated) exitWith {true};

private ["_module"];
_module = [_this, 0, objNull, [objNull]] call BIS_fnc_param;

// Find player
private ["_units"];
_units = _module call BIS_fnc_moduleUnits;

if (player in _units) then {
// Create the feed
[player, player, player] call BIS_fnc_liveFeed;



Author: Thomas Ryan

Set a live feed's source via a module.

	_this: OBJECT - Live Feed - Set Source module

// <insert smart comment about dedicated servers here>
if (isDedicated) exitWith {true};

// Wait for a live feed to exist
waitUntil {!(isNil "BIS_liveFeed")};
waitUntil {camCommitted BIS_liveFeed};

private ["_module"];
_module = [_this, 0, objNull, [objNull]] call BIS_fnc_param;

// Find synchronized units
private ["_units"];
_units = _module call BIS_fnc_moduleUnits;
if (count _units == 0) exitWith {"No synchronized units found" call BIS_fnc_error; false};

// Set the live feed's source
[[_units select 0, [0, 0, 2]]] call BIS_fnc_liveFeedSetSource;



Author: Thomas Ryan

Set a live feed's target via a module.

	_this: OBJECT - Live Feed - Set Target module

// On dedicated servers, player is not you
if (isDedicated) exitWith {true};

// Wait for a live feed to exist
waitUntil {!(isNil "BIS_liveFeed")};
waitUntil {camCommitted BIS_liveFeed};

private ["_module"];
_module = [_this, 0, objNull, [objNull]] call BIS_fnc_param;

// Find synchronized units
private ["_units"];
_units = _module call BIS_fnc_moduleUnits;

// Determine target type
private ["_type"];
_type = parseNumber (_module getVariable "TargetType");
if (_type == 0 && count _units == 0) exitWith {"No synchronized units found" call BIS_fnc_error; false};

// Set target
private ["_target"];
_target = if (_type == 0) then {_units select 0} else {position _module};
_target call BIS_fnc_liveFeedSetTarget;


Just toss a trigger in editor like so and call it from your radio to look at all the functions in game


Edited by deadlyhabit

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Can I sync the Livefeed Init with a screen, so that I can see the picture from the camera on the screen? But I don't want a mod or a script.

Edited by TimK

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