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Arma 3 Notepad++ Syntax Highlighting

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Its broken. Anytme i try to install it to my Notepad++ it says  "Fail to Import"


You must be doing something wrong. It works as intended. Make sure you have the latest version of Notepad++ and that you are not importing the wrong file. You have to import SQF.xml from Language folder. The one from Auto folder is for auto-completion feature (you have to manually copy this one into "Notepad++\plugins\APIs".

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2 hours ago, magicsrp said:

how to deal with #ifndef ?


#ifndef - #else - #endif

What do you mean?

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Sorry for undetailed question about syntax highlighting color. 
I have some <#ifdef, #else, #endif> phrase and <#ifndef, #else, #endif> phrase. I.e. 

#ifdef blah-blah

   ... blah blah... ;
   ... blah blah...;
The color for syntax highlighting is all Orange for '#ifdef', '#else' and '#endif'.



#ifndef __DEBUG__
... blah blah...;
... blah blah.. ;

In this case, the color of '#else' and '#endif' is "Orange", but #ifndef is not.

So how to change the color of  #ifndef into Orange like the color of #else and #endif?

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thanks for bringing this up. Updated syntax highlighting file with #ifndef. You can download new version here or manually add #ifndef under Keywords\7th group, either in SQF.xml (<Keywords name="Keywords7">#define #undef #ifdef #ifndef #else #endif #include</Keywords>) file or in Notepad++ menu (Language\Define your language..., select User language: SQF\Keywords Lists\7th group).


10. April 2017
- added: #ifndef

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38 minutes ago, Janez said:


10. April 2017
- added: #ifndef



Thanks, but still different color from #else and #endif for me. is it my own problem?

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4 minutes ago, magicsrp said:

Thanks, but still different color from #else and #endif for me. is it my own problem?


#ifdef, #else and #endif are also defined in "Folding in code 2 style" for open, middle and close. You can either use Styler button to customize their color or remove them (Language\Define your language...\Folding in code 2 style\Styler).

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I found some missing commands that are listed Here but are not highlighted in Notepadd++:

  • lnbSetPictureRight
  • lnbSetPictureColor
  • lnbSetPictureColorRight
  • lnbSetPictureColorSelected
  • lnbSetPictureColorSelectedRight

That is not a complete list, but i can confirm that these commands exist, work and get recognized by the debug console (including info Popups). (And yes these are probably only used in very rare cases.)


P.S. also it looks like some of the 1.76 commands are missing too (allAirports, drawTriangle, selectRandomWeighted).

Edited by nesias
Forgot the P.S. part
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@nesias, thanks for reporting these. Missing 1.76 commands weren't listed yet when I updated the files. Be sure to report anything else missing.


Updated files can be found here:




08. October 2017


- added: allAirports, drawTriangle, lnbSetPictureColor, lnbSetPictureColorRight, lnbSetPictureColorSelected, lnbSetPictureColorSelectedRight, lnbSetPictureRight and selectRandomWeighted

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1 minute ago, Janez said:

@nesias, thanks for reporting these. Missing 1.76 commands weren't listed yet when I updated the files. Be sure to report anything else missing.


Updated files can be found here:


Well that was fast, if i find some more of them i will post a list here.

Thanks for the update btw.

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36 minutes ago, Janez said:

Updated the files for Arma 3 1.82:


Thank you Janez for the update !

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