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Connecting failed in OA, not in Arma 2

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Me and my friends often play toghether on PC hosted games, on sunday 03.03.2013 this stopped working on arrowhead, and gave a ping of 2500 and "connecting failed". But on standard Arma 2, this worked like it always have, please help, i want to play more armory with my pals ;D

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My friends and I are having same issue, we were trying to do a "Farewell to ARMA2" weekend, as we're all getting Alpha release, and everything worked fine, all my custom TDM maps, Coop maps worked fine and I hosted from Thursday night, Friday night, then almost all day Saturday, then out of nowhere nobody could connect to each other regardless of who hosted. We could still connect to dedicated servers though, just none that appeared to be hosted p2p. I don't understand how it just stopped working. I've made zero changes to software or hardware, and same goes for my friends and clanmates.

What time Sunday, it may have been Sunday 1am when it happened to us, I'm curious if this is the same issue that came up years ago because of GameSpy issues.

ie: NAT Negotiation failed (NNThink - result 2) issue, that are not isolated issues or not widespread enough for BIS to ignore, but here we are on the eve of ARMA 3, and A2:OA is still having NAT issues.

Before anyone posts rude comments that talk down to ppl in this thread about this NAT issue, not everyone is stupid like you may think, some like me have tried everything suggested in various threads and videos not restricted to the BIS forums, I've even switched out routers, direct connected through the modem, called ISP to have them reset my connection to the node, etc. All we were trying to do was have a good send off for ARMA2:OA this past weekend because we love the game so much(speaking for myself I've been in love since OFP)

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Reclusive, there are two possibilities for you and your friends to enjoy this "Farewell to ARMA 2" weekend.

You can connect to each other via Hamachi and start a LAN game, a friend tried that and said it is working. Down side is that you can only connect 5 people at the same Hamachi host, so you'll be limited to 5 players.

Other way is setting your launch options (steam) or your shortcut parameters to -connect=<server ip> -port=2302

I've been having this issue with my dedicated (remote) server since Saturday night and the only way I can connect to it is via this piece of code. Give it a try, might solve your problem.

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We have the same problem. If any of us create a server, others cannot join: Connection failed.

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yea, me and my mates are having this problem too. Started on Sunday, we were ready for a day of it and then 'connecting failed' :( . We play every weekend custom missions with ACE and now we cant connect. Any official word on this?

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Well I experience this issue too. My friends too. Everything used to work since last friday or Satturday.

But I figured out where the problem might be. Whenever my computer tries to connect arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com on port 27901, the server replies with ICMP packet, telling that the port 27901 is unreachable. The same with server mirrors. So I guess, isn't that GameSpy problem???

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Reclusive, there are two possibilities for you and your friends to enjoy this "Farewell to ARMA 2" weekend.

You can connect to each other via Hamachi and start a LAN game, a friend tried that and said it is working. Down side is that you can only connect 5 people at the same Hamachi host, so you'll be limited to 5 players.

Other way is setting your launch options (steam) or your shortcut parameters to -connect=<server ip> -port=2302

I've been having this issue with my dedicated (remote) server since Saturday night and the only way I can connect to it is via this piece of code. Give it a try, might solve your problem.

Thank you very much, I will give this a shot tonight, I have a custom FOB with a firing range, and some of the simple aircraft, along with a small group of AI OPFOR squads to engage, on the Desert map that I use to train people new to ARMA series, lol I have a few Battlefield converts in my clan who never knew much about ARMA or how awesome it is, so hopefully I can get it working and they can learn the basics before tomorrow as they are pretty much sold on ARMA3. But again thanks for the response and heads up.


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Run as Admin. Even if you have UAC off. that would be right clik the exe or shortcut and choose to run as admin.

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Reclusive, there are two possibilities for you and your friends to enjoy this "Farewell to ARMA 2" weekend.

You can connect to each other via Hamachi and start a LAN game, a friend tried that and said it is working. Down side is that you can only connect 5 people at the same Hamachi host, so you'll be limited to 5 players.

Other way is setting your launch options (steam) or your shortcut parameters to -connect=<server ip> -port=2302

I've been having this issue with my dedicated (remote) server since Saturday night and the only way I can connect to it is via this piece of code. Give it a try, might solve your problem.

Unfortunately that launch parameter didn't do it for us.

Run as Admin. Even if you have UAC off. that would be right clik the exe or shortcut and choose to run as admin.

Was already tried the same night it randomly occurred, thing is over 15 ppl that played that night tried hosting armory sessions just to see if we could transfer hosting to someone else and maybe do smaller sessions, and not a single person could be connected to by anybody.

This is again what's been said over and over since 2009, "it's a Gamespy Issue".

Despite this, and how many people run into this issue, threads don't get BIS attention, and then the "other" people come in and talk down on other users(which is up until I merged my BIS Store account to the universal BIS profile deal, I've avoided these forums since I had an acct with an old email back when I was in still in the ARMY @ Bragg, to ask for help with ARMA1 editing, was spoken to in ways nobody would dare speak to me in person, ahhh the wonders of the internet).

Or they blame people's hardware for being "junk" or their internet is "junk", rather than facing the issue that it's not just a few people having this problem, it's A LOT of people having this issue, with all kinds of different hardware and net connections.

But we're on the eve of ARMA3 so I don't think this issue will ever be remedied, it's been a good run we've all had a blast, but I dont think this issue will ever be resolved by BIS or the real culprit Gamespy(IGN).

Edited by RECLUSIVE7

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So this is only with a NonDedi exe to host?

I believe it's a mixture of both. Most of the time it's something not exactly correct or something that needs to be changed in the server config for dedi's, but speaking for my self and over a dozen others that I know of first hand(we play together often), this just started happening p2p hosting/MP. We can join on dedi's fine though.

And this time when it happened I'd hosted the majority of Saturday into the AM of Sunday, and it just randomly stopped working for us, one of my buddies friends got on late and couldn't connect though several of us were already in-game, so I decided to restart the session thinking that we'd been running too long or something, and then nobody could join, then we all started troubleshooting.

This happened to me a few times since ARMA 2 came out and then later with OA, usually months later I'd host a non dedi session with some old friends and it would be working fine again, without really changing anything major(hardware-wise). We usually wouldn't care about it much though because at those times, we usually had a regular spot to play on a dedi, or we were renting our own(which we could connect to just fine).

Edited by RECLUSIVE7

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