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I can exec an sqf but not execVM it? Also: "Lose" trigger in MP.

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I'm not sure if it's an issue but I want to execute a script upon mission start to randomly delete two of three ammo dumps. The script works, but I seem to be having trouble executing it. If I use "[] exec "cache.sqf" ;", in the init field of an "empty" object, it works. I was under the impression that sqf required execVM though. However whenever I try to use execVM, no matter how I set it up, it simply does not work. Handle, no handle, brackets filled in or not, and any combination of the previous both in a unit's init field or in the init.sqf, does not work at all. Only the "exec" works. This is fine by me, so long as nothing else would be messed up?

I have a second issue. My mission works perfectly when played solo, so I'd guess it's client/server conflicts, but when I have a "lose" trigger with he condition: "(!alive engd) OR (!alive e) OR (!alive engh)" and on act: "tsk3 setTaskState "Failed" ; e sideChat "stuff and things."", it fires immediately and ends the mission for everyone but the host who continues to play without the tsk3 being failed. Note: none of the three units mentioned in the condition field are killed at any time when this happens. Suggestions for an MP new guy?

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I tried to guess your script but failed, so I'm afraid you have to post the script here. :p

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Do what lifted suggested. Also, what you're trying to do, can be achieved very simply by using probability of presence & condition of presence (combined) on each cache object. And since it's only 3 caches to choose from, this is certainly very quick, clean & easy. My 2c. :p

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I tried to guess your script but failed, so I'm afraid you have to post the script here. :p

Well then you better try harder! ;)

if (! isServer) exitwith {}; 

x1 = floor(random 3)
if (x1 == 0) then {deletevehicle cache1a ; deletevehicle cache1b ; deletevehicle cache2a ; deletevehicle cache2b; cache setpos getpos cache3a; cfind setpos getpos cache3a;};
if (x1 == 1) then {deletevehicle cache2a ; deletevehicle cache2b ; deletevehicle cache3a ; deletevehicle cache3b; cache setpos getpos cache1a; cfind setpos getpos cache1a;};
if (x1 == 2) then {deletevehicle cache3a ; deletevehicle cache3b ; deletevehicle cache1a ; deletevehicle cache1b; cache setpos getpos cache2a; cfind setpos getpos cache2a;};

Hope that's what you want. That is "cache.sqf".

I did try what lifted suggested and that's the weird part. That is how I have all the others, but for some reason this one only works when executed as "[] exec "cache.sqf".

I will definitely try what Iceman said as well. I've done similar things in the past so I can see it maybe being easier.

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You absolutely sure you tried

nul = [] execVM "cache.sqf";

That has to work.

Or it's just that you don't use -showscripterrors and didn't see the mission semicolon after (random 3) :P

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You absolutely sure you tried

nul = [] execVM "cache.sqf";

That has to work.

Absolutely positive I tried that.

You absolutely sure you tried

Or it's just that you don't use -showscripterrors and didn't see the mission semicolon after (random 3) :P

N-.... no.... :o That did it and the execVM works now because of it. That's just plain embarassing. Why do you guys always embarass me? :p

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You forgot the semicolon on line 3. :)

I can tell you're used to sqs.


Just read that you fixed it, my bad :p

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You forgot the semicolon on line 3. :)

I can tell you're used to sqs.


Just read that you fixed it, my bad :p

I am indeed a very recent convert to the ways of the sqf. :)

Anyone have any ideas regarding the second issue? I cannot imagine why it would do what it does. Does the lose trigger not work in MP or how might the clients be registering each a unit as dead when they are not? I thought AI was all handled server-side. I'll try adding an isServer check in there and test when I can but I still don't get it.

Edited by GRS

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