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i look for a help with config - rocket - water to surface

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hi all

can anyone do a script, config, whatever

to make rocket fired from corvette to be fired at target on ground/water ?

or not in this engine ?

i would like flight model like Javelin has, but i do not know how to make it,

rocket is heavy bomb-rocket fired from warship, it fly on parabole, something like grenade-launcher, something like atgm ,

parabolic flight model, not straight flight model , cause it looks silly when rocket "come straight out of body of ship"

or not in Arma ;) ?


fired from such containers on ship:


addon is already existing - in my modern Polish pack there is type660 corvette warship, which has 4 RBS15, but they fire straight and silly from body of ship (i defined points in memory but when straight than straight)

Edited by vilas

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@vilas does Gnat have any in his ship addons? I am quite intrigued if your making a ship addon :)

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Nice work on the Corvette Vilas

Both my Frigates and my Subs have missile launchers which launch (near vertical) and have somewhat parabolic flight.

Feel free to copy scripts and configs

- Set up turret memory points as normal

- One Fired EH script to grab the (normal) launched missile then spin it vertical, Setpos near real launch tubes, then let it go

- Reduced maneuverability of the missile so it corrects direction (vertical and horizontal) more slowly (parabolic flight)

- Improved smoke trail because it looks good :)


- Dont spin missile past vertical, it will lose target lock

- Make sure compass direction of missile not too different from target (or lose lock)

- Dont SETPOS the missile too near the water line otherwise it will explode

Fired EH Script - 40deg launch

// ------------------------------- 
// ArmA Multi-Missile Proxy Launch
// --------------------------------
// Script by Gnat
// 3D pos help from Mandoble
// if you use it, credit as appropriate
private ["_array","_weapon","_ammoname","_ship","_missobj", "_acount", "_lift", "_dir", "_vx", "_vy", "_vh", "_vz", "_ux", "_uy", "_uz", "_ur"];
_array = _this select 0;
_weapon = _array select 1;
_ammoname = _array select 4;
_ship = _array select 0;
_missobj = _array select 6;
if (!isServer) exitWith {};

if(_weapon == "GLT_AGM84_Launcher") then
_ship animate ["RGM84Hide",1];
_ship animate ["RIM66Hide",1];
_acount = _ship ammo "GLT_AGM84_Launcher";

_missobj Setvelocity (velocity _ship);
_missobj SetPos (_ship ModelToWorld [0,36.9,-4.5]);
_climb = 40; // Initial elevation
_array = _ship weaponDirection "GLT_AGM84_Launcher";
_dir = (_array select 0) atan2 (_array select 1);
_vz = (sin _climb);
_vh = (cos _climb);
_vx = (sin _dir)* _vh;
_vy = (cos _dir)* _vh;
_missobj setVectorDir[_vx, _vy, _vz];
_uz = sin(_climb+90); // 0.940
_ur = cos(_climb+90); // -0.342
_ux = sin(_dir)* _ur;
_uy = cos(_dir)* _ur;
_missobj setVectorUp[_ux, _uy, _uz];
sleep 8;
if (_acount > 0) then
	_ship animate ["RGM84Hide",0];
	_ship animate ["RIM66Hide",1];
if(_weapon == "FRL_RIM66M_Launcher") then
_ship animate ["RIM66Hide",1];
_ship animate ["RGM84Hide",1];
_acount = _ship ammo "FRL_RIM66M_Launcher";

_missobj Setvelocity (velocity _ship);
_missobj SetPos (_ship ModelToWorld [0,36.9,-4.5]);
_climb = 40; // Initial elevation
_array = _ship weaponDirection "FRL_RIM66M_Launcher";
_dir = (_array select 0) atan2 (_array select 1);
_vz = (sin _climb);
_vh = (cos _climb);
_vx = (sin _dir)* _vh;
_vy = (cos _dir)* _vh;
_missobj setVectorDir[_vx, _vy, _vz];
_uz = sin(_climb+90); // 0.940
_ur = cos(_climb+90); // -0.342
_ux = sin(_dir)* _ur;
_uy = cos(_dir)* _ur;
_missobj setVectorUp[_ux, _uy, _uz];
sleep 8;
if (_acount > 0) then
	_ship animate ["RIM66Hide",0];
	_ship animate ["RGM84Hide",1];

Fired EH Script - Vertical launch

// ------------------------------- 
// ArmA Multi-Missile Proxy Launch
// --------------------------------
// Script by Gnat
// 3D pos help from Mandoble
// if you use it, credit as appropriate
private ["_array","_weapon","_ammoname","_ship","_missobj", "_acount", "_lift", "_dir", "_vx", "_vy", "_vh", "_vz", "_ux", "_uy", "_uz", "_ur"];
_array = _this select 0;
_weapon = _array select 1;
_ammoname = _array select 4;
_ship = _array select 0;
_missobj = _array select 6;
if (!isServer) exitWith {};

if(_weapon == "FRL_3M54E1_Launcher") then
_acount = _ship ammo "FRL_3M54E1_Launcher";

_missobj Setvelocity (velocity _ship);
_missobj SetPos (_ship ModelToWorld [0.65,30.5,-3.0]);
_climb = 89; // Initial elevation
_array = _ship weaponDirection "FRL_3M54E1_Launcher";
_dir = (_array select 0) atan2 (_array select 1);
_vz = (sin _climb);
_vh = (cos _climb);
_vx = (sin _dir)* _vh;
_vy = (cos _dir)* _vh;
_missobj setVectorDir[_vx, _vy, _vz];
_uz = sin(_climb+90); // 0.940
_ur = cos(_climb+90); // -0.342
_ux = sin(_dir)* _ur;
_uy = cos(_dir)* _ur;
_missobj setVectorUp[_ux, _uy, _uz];
if(_weapon == "FRL_9M317E_Launcher") then
_acount = _ship ammo "FRL_9M317E_Launcher";
_ship animate ["M9M317Hide",1];
if (_acount > 0) then {_weapon = [_ship] execvm "\GNT_Frigates\scr\KreloadMissile.sqf";};

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