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Anyone knows a good Anti-Team killing script???

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Here's a good one I use that Demonized put together.


TK punishment v 1.1
by Demonized

Teach Team Killers a lesson..

1: Make sure you have a functions module on your map.
2: Place a marker called noTKzone in your base or your no TK zone, or change marker name below in options.
3: Place this in init of any unit you wish to be included in TKP script.
       _nil = [this,"start"] execVM "[color="#FF0000"]TKP[/color].sqf";

_timer = 30;	        // time in seconds until TK´er can move again. 
_increase = 10;	        // extra time in seconds added for every amount of TK´s commited, if its the second TK, it will be total wait of (_timer + _increase + _increase) in seconds.
_distance = 0;	        // this is the distance to noTKzone, if within this punishment will be done, if this is set to 0, punishment will be done no matter where the TK happened.
_noTKzone = "noTKzone";
_message = "You are being punished because of Team killing";

waitUntil {!(isNil "BIS_MPF_InitDone")};
_killer = _this select 0;
if ("start" in _this) exitWith {
if (local _killer) then {_killer addMPEventHandler ["MPkilled", {[(_this select 1),(side (group (_this select 0))),(getPos (_this select 0)),"EH"] execVM "[color="#FF0000"]TKP[/color].sqf"}]};
if ("EH" in _this) exitWith {
_side = _this select 1; _pos = _this select 2;
if (_side == (side (group _killer)) AND _killer == player) then {[nil, _killer, "loc", rEXECVM, "[color="#FF0000"]TKP[/color].sqf", _killer, _pos] call RE};
if (_killer != player OR (_distance != 0 AND ((_this select 1) distance (getMarkerPos _noTKzone)) > _distance)) exitWith {};
if (TKP) exitWith {rapsheet = rapsheet + 1};
disableUserInput true;
if (isNil "rapsheet") then {rapsheet = 1; TKP = true} else {rapsheet = rapsheet + 1};
_cnt = rapsheet;
_timeLeft = ((_timer - 3) + (_increase * rapsheet));
_killer setVariable ["TKP", true, false];

_text = format["%1 is being punished for total %2 Team kills",(name player),rapsheet];
[nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE;

cutText [_message,"BLACK OUT",3];
sleep 3;
while {_timeLeft != 0} do {
_text = format["time left \n %1 \n \n %2",_timeLeft,_message];
cutText [_text,"BLACK FADED",0];
sleep 1;
_timeLeft = _timeLeft - 1;
if (_cnt != rapsheet) then {
	_timeLeft = _timeLeft + (_increase * (rapsheet - _cnt));
	_cnt = rapsheet;
	_text = format["%1 is being punished for total %2 Team kills",(name player),_cnt];
	[nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE;
cutText ["You can now join the game again, be more careful in the future","BLACK IN",5];
_text = format["%1 has finnished his punishment for his %2 Team kills \n \n %1 is now back in play",(name player),_cnt];
[nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE;

if (!isNull player) then {disableUserInput false; TKP = false};

Edited by PartyHead

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Here's a good one I use that Demonized put together.


TK punishment v 1.1
by Demonized

Teach Team Killers a lesson..

1: Make sure you have a functions module on your map.
2: Place a marker called noTKzone in your base or your no TK zone, or change marker name below in options.
3: Place this in init of any unit you wish to be included in TKP script.
       _nil = [this,"start"] execVM "scripts\tkp.sqf";

_timer = 30;	        // time in seconds until TK´er can move again. 
_increase = 10;	        // extra time in seconds added for every amount of TK´s commited, if its the second TK, it will be total wait of (_timer + _increase + _increase) in seconds.
_distance = 0;	        // this is the distance to noTKzone, if within this punishment will be done, if this is set to 0, punishment will be done no matter where the TK happened.
_noTKzone = "noTKzone";
_message = "You are being punished because of Team killing";

waitUntil {!(isNil "BIS_MPF_InitDone")};
_killer = _this select 0;
if ("start" in _this) exitWith {
if (local _killer) then {_killer addMPEventHandler ["MPkilled", {[(_this select 1),(side (group (_this select 0))),(getPos (_this select 0)),"EH"] execVM "scripts\BZU_fnc_tkp.sqf"}]};
if ("EH" in _this) exitWith {
_side = _this select 1; _pos = _this select 2;
if (_side == (side (group _killer)) AND _killer == player) then {[nil, _killer, "loc", rEXECVM, "scripts\BZU_fnc_tkp.sqf", _killer, _pos] call RE};
if (_killer != player OR (_distance != 0 AND ((_this select 1) distance (getMarkerPos _noTKzone)) > _distance)) exitWith {};
if (TKP) exitWith {rapsheet = rapsheet + 1};
disableUserInput true;
if (isNil "rapsheet") then {rapsheet = 1; TKP = true} else {rapsheet = rapsheet + 1};
_cnt = rapsheet;
_timeLeft = ((_timer - 3) + (_increase * rapsheet));
_killer setVariable ["TKP", true, false];

_text = format["%1 is being punished for total %2 Team kills",(name player),rapsheet];
[nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE;

cutText [_message,"BLACK OUT",3];
sleep 3;
while {_timeLeft != 0} do {
_text = format["time left \n %1 \n \n %2",_timeLeft,_message];
cutText [_text,"BLACK FADED",0];
sleep 1;
_timeLeft = _timeLeft - 1;
if (_cnt != rapsheet) then {
	_timeLeft = _timeLeft + (_increase * (rapsheet - _cnt));
	_cnt = rapsheet;
	_text = format["%1 is being punished for total %2 Team kills",(name player),_cnt];
	[nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE;
cutText ["You can now join the game again, be more careful in the future","BLACK IN",5];
_text = format["%1 has finnished his punishment for his %2 Team kills \n \n %1 is now back in play",(name player),_cnt];
[nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE;

if (!isNull player) then {disableUserInput false; TKP = false};

THere's one problem about this script... when you accidentally died, it will count as team kill... its really annoying

Do you know any other anti-team killing scripts?

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Try this version, I've made some changes to the script so when you accidentally kill yourself it wont count as a team kill. The changes are shown in red.


TK punishment v 1.1
by Demonized

Teach Team Killers a lesson..

1: Make sure you have a functions module on your map.
2: Place a marker called noTKzone in your base or your no TK zone, or change marker name below in options.
3: Place this in init of any unit you wish to be included in TKP script.
       _nil = [this,"start"] execVM "TKP.sqf";

_timer = 30;	        // time in seconds until TK´er can move again. 
_increase = 10;	        // extra time in seconds added for every amount of TK´s commited, if its the second TK, it will be total wait of (_timer + _increase + _increase) in seconds.
_distance = 0;	        // this is the distance to noTKzone, if within this punishment will be done, if this is set to 0, punishment will be done no matter where the TK happened.
_noTKzone = "noTKzone";
_message = "You are being punished because of Team killing";

waitUntil {!(isNil "BIS_MPF_InitDone")};
_killer = _this select 0;
if ("start" in _this) exitWith {
if (local _killer) then {_killer addMPEventHandler ["MPkilled", {[(_this select 1),(side (group (_this select 0))),(getPos (_this select 0))[color="#FF0000"],(_this select 0)[/color],"EH"] execVM "TKP.sqf"}]};
if ("EH" in _this) exitWith {
_side = _this select 1; _pos = _this select 2; [color="#FF0000"]_target = _this select 3;[/color]
if (_side == (side (group _killer)) AND (_killer == player) [color="#FF0000"]AND (_target != _killer)[/color]) then {[nil, _killer, "loc", rEXECVM, "TKP.sqf", _killer, _pos] call RE};
if (_killer != player OR (_distance != 0 AND ((_this select 1) distance (getMarkerPos _noTKzone)) > _distance)) exitWith {};
if (TKP) exitWith {rapsheet = rapsheet + 1};
disableUserInput true;
if (isNil "rapsheet") then {rapsheet = 1; TKP = true} else {rapsheet = rapsheet + 1};
_cnt = rapsheet;
_timeLeft = ((_timer - 3) + (_increase * rapsheet));
_killer setVariable ["TKP", true, false];

_text = format["%1 is being punished for total %2 Team kills",(name player),rapsheet];
[nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE;

cutText [_message,"BLACK OUT",3];
sleep 3;
while {_timeLeft != 0} do {
_text = format["time left \n %1 \n \n %2",_timeLeft,_message];
cutText [_text,"BLACK FADED",0];
sleep 1;
_timeLeft = _timeLeft - 1;
if (_cnt != rapsheet) then {
	_timeLeft = _timeLeft + (_increase * (rapsheet - _cnt));
	_cnt = rapsheet;
	_text = format["%1 is being punished for total %2 Team kills",(name player),_cnt];
	[nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE;
cutText ["You can now join the game again, be more careful in the future","BLACK IN",5];
_text = format["%1 has finnished his punishment for his %2 Team kills \n \n %1 is now back in play",(name player),_cnt];
[nil,nil,rHINT,_text] call RE;

if (!isNull player) then {disableUserInput false; TKP = false};

Hope this is what your after.

Edited by PartyHead

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ATK_TKS = 0;

[] spawn
	disableUserInput true;
	hint format [localize "STR_MSG_TK", ATK_TKSLIMIT];
	sleep 5;

	endMission "end1";

"ATK_PUNISH" addPublicVariableEventHandler
if (getPlayerUID player == _this select 1) then

if (_uid in ATK_IDSTKERS) then
	_uid spawn
		sleep 2;
		ATK_PUNISH = _this;
		publicVariable 'ATK_PUNISH';

if (isServer) then
"ATK_REGTKER" addPublicVariableEventHandler
	ATK_IDSTKERS = ATK_IDSTKERS + [_this select 1];

	ATK_PUNISH = _this select 1;
	publicVariable 'ATK_PUNISH';

"ATK_TKEVENT" addPublicVariableEventHandler
if (getPlayerUID player == _this select 1) then

	if (ATK_TKS == 1) then
		ATK_TIMESTAMP = serverTime;
		if (serverTime - ATK_TIMESTAMP < ATK_TKSTIME) then
			if (ATK_TKS > ATK_TKSLIMIT) then
				ATK_REGTKER = getPlayerUID player;
				publicVariable "ATK_REGTKER";
			if (ATK_TKS > ATK_TKSLIMIT) then
				ATK_TKS = 1;
				ATK_TIMESTAMP = serverTime;

if (! isDedicated) then
[] spawn
	waitUntil {alive player};
	player setVariable ["ATK_PLAYERSIDE", side player, true];

	player addEventHandler
			if (_this select 1 getVariable "ATK_PLAYERSIDE" == playerSide) then
				ATK_TKEVENT = getPlayerUID (_this select 1);
				publicVariable "ATK_TKEVENT";

I found this in forum.give name to this script and call it from init.sqf.

anti teamkilling system & automatic ban

easy way is if you playing Coop, use a trigger.





Score player<-2


removeAllWeapons player;

You can change score number ( at now for 3 team kill, teamkiller will punish)

also you can use more option for punish like move teamkiller to far away with this:

player setpos getpos teamkillpoint;

Use Bi wiki for find more code's to use against teamkillers.

almost teamkilling happen in base.one of best way is protect everything in base.

use this thread to protect base: ProtectionZone_Ep1

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ATK_TKS = 0;

[] spawn
	disableUserInput true;
	hint format [localize "STR_MSG_TK", ATK_TKSLIMIT];
	sleep 5;

	endMission "end1";

"ATK_PUNISH" addPublicVariableEventHandler
if (getPlayerUID player == _this select 1) then

if (_uid in ATK_IDSTKERS) then
	_uid spawn
		sleep 2;
		ATK_PUNISH = _this;
		publicVariable 'ATK_PUNISH';

if (isServer) then
"ATK_REGTKER" addPublicVariableEventHandler
	ATK_IDSTKERS = ATK_IDSTKERS + [_this select 1];

	ATK_PUNISH = _this select 1;
	publicVariable 'ATK_PUNISH';

"ATK_TKEVENT" addPublicVariableEventHandler
if (getPlayerUID player == _this select 1) then

	if (ATK_TKS == 1) then
		ATK_TIMESTAMP = serverTime;
		if (serverTime - ATK_TIMESTAMP < ATK_TKSTIME) then
			if (ATK_TKS > ATK_TKSLIMIT) then
				ATK_REGTKER = getPlayerUID player;
				publicVariable "ATK_REGTKER";
			if (ATK_TKS > ATK_TKSLIMIT) then
				ATK_TKS = 1;
				ATK_TIMESTAMP = serverTime;

if (! isDedicated) then
[] spawn
	waitUntil {alive player};
	player setVariable ["ATK_PLAYERSIDE", side player, true];

	player addEventHandler
			if (_this select 1 getVariable "ATK_PLAYERSIDE" == playerSide) then
				ATK_TKEVENT = getPlayerUID (_this select 1);
				publicVariable "ATK_TKEVENT";

I found this in forum.give name to this script and call it from init.sqf.

anti teamkilling system & automatic ban

easy way is if you playing Coop, use a trigger.





Score player<-2


removeAllWeapons player;

You can change score number ( at now for 3 team kill, teamkiller will punish)

also you can use more option for punish like move teamkiller to far away with this:

player setpos getpos teamkillpoint;

Use Bi wiki for find more code's to use against teamkillers.

almost teamkilling happen in base.one of best way is protect everything in base.

use this thread to protect base: ProtectionZone_Ep1

I used the game logic and the trigger

it works perfectly fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by frezinator

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