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Weapon class names and another suggestion

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Please give stinger,javelin,strela,igla and any other weapon of the sort, unique class names for their ammunition. Brilliant functions like

[player,"Stinger", False] call BIS_fnc_invAdd

become useless, when you're in a scenario where you have to calculate available inventory slots before adding the ammo. The function becomes useless for adding ammunition for said launchers, as it simply just adds the weapon, because the weapon and ammunition are named the same. Among other reasons. I'm sure there are plenty of reasons why it would be beneficial to avoid same names for the weapon and ammo. Also, regarding the actual function itself, you can't add mines or satchels to your inventory with it. If you attempt to, you get an error message.

[size=3][color=#000000]Warning Message: Error: creating weapon PipeBomb with scope=private[/color][/size]

I'm only suggesting these things, because I just finished making a somewhat intricate loadout UI, and having to come up with work arounds for certain weapons / ammo became a real pain. When, if pipebombs & mines worked with the function & ammunition wasn't named with same names, it would have been much simpler. Fix these things please :o



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Something minor to add...

It would be nice when all weapon and magazine names would either consist of capital letters only or small letters only (maybe weapons capital only and magazines small ones only). I don't mean the removal of _ and numericals, but all LETTERS only. Of course for Arma II it's too late now, maybe in can still be implemented in Arma III.

For "addweapon" it does not matter, but for "primaryweapon" and "hasweapon" you 'always' have to look up a reliable source or make a quick test run giving yourself a weapon and start the editor preview with sth like "hint str (primaryweapon player)" to see the correct spelling.

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I say all capitals for for every CLASS_NAME :). That way, they all popout to you instantly when reviewing a script. Also, regarding names in general... Please stop naming everything in czech. For example the animation & building names. Seeing as the majority of Arma's player base speaks / or can speak english. It would be much better to be able to look at a building name & be able to atleast have some idea about what it is. Same goes for door names...

Edited by Iceman77

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