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Hi all

currently I am working on a heli dam for a fire fighting mission. The bucket I have is full of water and when it's empty I can dip into the sea to refill the bucket. The dam is complete but how do I add a trigger so when I dip my bambi bucket into the heli dam it fulls with water as it does when I dip into the sea?



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What is the dam technically? An object, or 'fake' water surface on terrain, or something else? That will determine how you can detect it.

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Hi DnA

the dam is an objected created in 02. Im not sure how to create a trigger so that when I dip the bucket into the dam the bucket is now refilled



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I'd probably use a combination of scripting commands like boundingBox and selectionPosition, to detect the 3D position of the bucket is inside the bounding box of the dam.

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Thank you for that. As a newbie is there a simple tutorial that can cover how to achieve this



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