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Is artillery really this accurate in reality?

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It took me a while to learn how to use artillery and mortars in ACE but now that I do do I think they rock. Even while they are less accurate do they also have a bigger area of effect in ACE. Artillery seems to be still accurate enough to hit x know people at a certain grid. But is seems to be not very effective against armored stuff, maybe because ACE doesn't allow you to load SADARM rounds. DPICM of ACE works well against cars and somewhat against APC's thought.

The Russian rocket artillery in ACE seems to be ideal to kill everything in a wide area, but all civilians in a wide area around it shall also be in danger.

I also found this interesting article about the future of artillery: http://www.rusi.org/downloads/assets/Artillery_in_Decline.pdf This article also says:

"the British Army with the introduction of the munition GMLRS, with its circular error of probability (CEP) of 2 metres at 70km."

Edited by kolpo

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The Russian rocket artillery isn't ACE, it's vanilla. If you want SADARM (I don't think it exists for the M109 howitzer, which is why ACE doesn't have it) download the Paladin. It's got SADARM.

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  scrim said:
The Russian rocket artillery isn't ACE, it's vanilla. If you want SADARM (I don't think it exists for the M109 howitzer, which is why ACE doesn't have it) download the Paladin. It's got SADARM.

AFAIK SADARM is implemented in Vanilla. I think you could call in a SADRAM strike during the manhattan mission?

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  Tonci87 said:
AFAIK SADARM is implemented in Vanilla. I think you could call in a SADRAM strike during the manhattan mission?

Yes you can call SADRAM artillery strikes in arma 2 but you can't load artillery you use yourself with it. The paladin mod has SADARM.

Edited by kolpo

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