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Armored SUV player animation.

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Does anyone know the name of the animation that goes with the minigun up? I've searched and searched but can't find anything. That or I need someway to hide the player, because when the doors close he still sticks out, I thought I might of been able to use an animation on him, but I can't get animations to work whilst he is in the gunner seat.

I already have the code that lowers/raises the minigun just need someway of either animating the player or hiding him.

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class ArmoredSUV_Gunner_PMC : Crew {
file = "\Ca\Wheeled_PMC\ArmoredSUV\data\Anim\SUVmatildaTurnOutPose.rtm";
interpolateTo[] = {"ArmoredSUV_KIA_Gunner_PMC", 1};
speed = 1e+010;
class ArmoredSUV_GunnerIn_PMC : ArmoredSUV_Gunner_PMC {
file = "\Ca\Wheeled_PMC\ArmoredSUV\data\Anim\SUVmatildaTurnInPose.rtm";
class ArmoredSUV_KIA_Gunner_PMC : DefaultDie {
actions = "DeadActions";
file = "\Ca\Wheeled_PMC\ArmoredSUV\data\Anim\SUVmatildaDeath.rtm";
speed = 1e+010;
terminal = 1;
soundEnabled = 0;
looped = 0;
connectTo[] = {"DeadState", 0.1};
class ArmoredSUV_GunnerTurnIn_PMC : Crew {
file = "\Ca\Wheeled_PMC\ArmoredSUV\data\Anim\SUVmatildaTurnIn.rtm";
interpolateTo[] = {"ArmoredSUV_KIA_Gunner_PMC", 1};
connectTo[] = {"ArmoredSUV_GunnerIn_PMC", 0.1};
speed = 0.5;
looped = 0;
class ArmoredSUV_GunnerTurnOut_PMC : Crew {
file = "\Ca\Wheeled_PMC\ArmoredSUV\data\Anim\SUVmatildaTurnOut.rtm";
interpolateTo[] = {"ArmoredSUV_KIA_Gunner_PMC", 1};
connectTo[] = {"ArmoredSUV_Gunner_PMC", 0.1};
speed = 0.5;
looped = 0;

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I hate to say this, but how do I use it? Is this one of them .cpp files? Because I want to put this in a mission, without extra add ons.

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Well I was close, I was using those commands, but me being dumb I was using: SUVmatildaTurnOut.rtm instead of ArmoredSUV_GunnerTurnOut_PMC ah well I was close anyway. Thanks.

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I would like to know how to do this, but i am not good with scripts could you post your scripts, or explain how to set it up in a mission please?


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Wait, will these animations work for all people, even if they don't have the full PMC, just the lite version?

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Strange then, because this is my code here:

suv_close_action = this addAction ["Close Cover","lg.sqf",[],1,false,true];

_target = _this select 0;
_caller = _this select 1;
_id = _this select 2;

_nic = [nil,nil,"per",rremoveAction, _target, _id] call RE;
_gunner = gunner _target;
_gunner switchMove "ArmoredSUV_GunnerTurnIn_PMC";

_target removeAction _id;
_target animate["HideGun_01",1];
sleep 0.5;
_target animate["HideGun_02",1];
sleep 0.5;
_target animate["HideGun_03",1];
sleep 0.5;
_target animate["HideGun_04",1];
sleep 1;
_target animate["CloseCover1",1];
_target animate["CloseCover2",1];
suv_open_action = _target addAction ["Open Cover","rg.sqf",[],1,false,true];

But my mate on my server which I was hosting couldn't see the animations, I could but he couldn't, was sure it was because he doesn't have the full PMC.

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[objNull, _gunner, rSwitchMove, "ArmoredSUV_GunnerTurnIn_PMC"] call RE;

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I think that helped, but I also think I did something else that fixed the problem as well, not sure, but it works now!

Just a quick question, are infinite loops in arma bad? Like if I want to keep checking if someone is in the gunner seat then switch them to the animation. I can't find any event handlers that handle switching from the driver to the gunner, only entering the vehicle so I want to have a constant loop checking if there is someone in the gunner seat and if there is switch animation on them.

Generally I always thought infinite loops were incredibly bad, but I read somewhere someone reckon mending them, so I'm just checking now.

Also how to I escape characters like ", for example I want to have String = "Your going to have a very very "bad" day";

Edited by Ub3rObama

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Nothing bad in loops unless you do huge calculations each iteration, this will need optimization.

while {true} do {
waitUntil{gunner (vehicle player) == player && typeOf (vehicle player) == "ArmoredSUV_Base_PMC"};
// Player got on gunner seat

waitUntil{gunner (vehicle player) != player || typeOf (vehicle player) != "ArmoredSUV_Base_PMC"};
// Player left gunner seat

Use double quotes

_str = "Your going to have a very very ""bad"" day";


_str = 'Your going to have a very very "bad" day';

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