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How to recapture the Vulcan island?

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After the Vulcan island has been captured by enemy, and then when I enter the Vulcan, my carrier is instantly damaged severely and cannot be repaired, the Armor and Engines are at about 50%, others are at 0%, so I cannot launch any units...

Not only that, even after I left the Vulcan, the carrier still cannot repair itself...

(And even worse... while I was trying to move to other enemy island to see if the repair function will be recovered, I encounter the enemy carrier head to head, I try to run away and can just barely survived but still take some damage, then the Engines HP is at 0%, so I cannot move... forever...)

A little annoying thing about the production queue:

If an item count in the stockpile has already reached 99 and I continue to produce 2 more of that item, strange things happened... (not only that, but you try yourself~)

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Have you patched to the latest 1.03 version? I thought the bug of the carrier returning to its starting state was fixed in one of the patches.

As for your production queue, what on earth are you doing having 99 of an item on stockpile? They probably never concieved of anyone doing that, so never discovered the bug.

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