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Displaying friendly player names

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I am trying to incorporate friendly name tags appearing over players when you have your cursor over them at a certain distance, say 100m or less. I've tried all sorts of scripts but just cannot get this working. Any ideas or help would be much appreciated!

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created such a script just today coincidentally.

Have a look and see if it works for what you are trying to do.

_refresh = 0.5;
_maxDistance = 50;

_target = cursorTarget;
if (_target isKindOf "Man" && player == vehicle player) then{
	if(side _target == playerSide && (player distance _target) < _maxDistance)then{
		_nameString = "<t size='0.5' shadow='2' color='#ffffffff'>" + (name _target) + "</t>";
		[_nameString,0,0.8,_refresh,0,0,3] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;
sleep _refresh;

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Thanks, will test this out as asap and let you know.

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It works for AI but not for player controlled units. Any ideas?

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Does anyone know of a script that can do this? The mission is complete I just need this working.

All it needs to do is display all the human players names (on your team) when you mouse over them from a certain distance. Been searching for hours and cannot find a working one!

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if (_target isKindOf "Man" && _target isplayer)

try this - not tested and just a thought

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