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constant problems - no solution

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While I loved the original OFP - especially the editor - I have just uninstalled Arma 2 CO after spending 19+ hours (not on a single day) on various internet forums trying to find a way to make the multiplayer function and a simple sound mod run - all I wanted was for the AK rifles to sound like AK rifles. Every issue solved created another issue, no end in sight. Multiplayer doesn't work either. I have downloaded a ridiculous amount of stuff and read through countless posts and manuals. The last straw was when I couldn't "preview" a mission i had spent hours on in the editor anymore, I could only "continue" (with changes not being implemented), despite clearly having "aborted" the preview. The concept of this game is absolutely fantastic, but the product I have simply does not work the way it should. A week of life and 40 Eur lost for nothing.

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The last straw was when I couldn't "preview" a mission i had spent hours on in the editor anymore, I could only "continue" (with changes not being implemented), despite clearly having "aborted" the preview.

Leaving aside your contravention of rule 21, your mission preview problem is common and something that annoys me a lot too.

I've never really sussed out a 100% solution, but here's a couple of things to try. They aren't fixes, just workarounds.

When previewing a mission you've just made changed too, you need to restart it. Press preview, and when the mission loads up, press escape then restart. What's happening when you abort the previous preview is the game saves where you are and when you preview it again, it assumes you are wanting to take up from where you left off.

It's shit, I know. When you're in mission preview, there should be a 'cancel' button.

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klabautolos, sorry to hear/read about your troubles, but your best place to ask about Arma2CO is here on this forum, not anywhere else,

I'd like to help, if you could, list some questions that you may have so we can guide you on what you must or need to do, to get things working.

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Ensure you saved and REOADED the mission actively in editor before hitting preview, so all the changes in description.ext and other files that are loaded in pre-init / before mission-initilaization etc. can be loaded back in!


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