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Respawning AI with waypoints

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I know this has been done lots of times before and trust me i've read a good majority of them.

However i really need something specific. It may be a simple case scripting.

My ideal script would allow me to

1. Spawn the AI using a trigger

2. Repeatedly respawn each unit after it dies

3. Specified waypoints (So the AI can attack from different angles)

4. Finish spawning after a time limit or ect.

Ive tried kylanias random spawning script but i cant get it too repeat the waves automatically.

UPSMONS respawn script has the AI on the map without me triggering them.

Norrins respawning script moves the ai to the waypoints at the start of the mission (I want it to move the ai when i trigger it)

Please help. Thanks

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Dynamic AI Creator v3 - Take a day or two and learn the ins and outs of how to fully use DAC. You'll never want for another patrol script again.

Basically, you can spawn a random amount of AI and waypoints, into a trigger zone to occupy said area of the trigger. Also, you can have those generated AI, create random waypoints to another pre-defined DAC zone. Also, you can generate an optional "camp" in a random location using DAC. The camp will/can act as a spawn point for AI.Additionally, there are a few different configs you can tweak, where you can allow/disallow groups to support other groups. ie; calling for help from another group, or the AI calling arty down upon you.

There's alot of possibilities with DAC, it's made for both the novice user and advanced user. If a novice just wants to have some random AI infantry/vehicles to patrol a given area, then it's as simple as copy and pasting some files/code into your mission folder and a trigger or two from the editor. If you're a confident user, there are many other possibilities to be realized.

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Use DAC, it uses waypoint zones, it allows random spawn zones (different angles) you can move zones, activate/deactivate and just about everything else.

Guess I got ninjed :)

Edited by Katipo66

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I should have mentioned but i use DAC for everything else.

I know you can use a camp to respawn units but a camp is really inappropiate for my mission format (Its in an urban area) Plus i would prefer enemies to approach from a number of different angles.

Really i just need one of the above scripts to start when i trigger it. Other than that its easy peasy

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You can have respawn zones with no camps? (respawn only) there can be multiple respawn zones? (i.e. different angles) you can do everything your requesting, its all there in the sample missions, along with being able to trigger it when you want.

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All good, tbh ive only just started using all the power features of DAC other than the simple AI spawn script, maybe the example missions that would help you are #D_15_DAC_global_respawn.utes and #E_23_DAC_unknown_enemy.utes? although i must admit i have not activated a zone from trigger or script, just know it can be done :)

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Triggering DAC with a trigger is easy.

In your zone: fun = ["z1",[1,0,0],[3,3,20,6],[],[],[],[0,0,0,0,1]] spawn DAC_Zone

Change above to [1,1,0]

Create a trigger which activates somehow (Blufor present ect)

And on the on act: [z1] call DAC_Activate

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So yeah bang, if you want infantry approaching from different angles, simply surround the said area with a few dac zones. Create a central dac zone at the attackable location, and use it for only waypoints.Don't create any units in that zone. in reverse, don't use any waypoints at the outter zones, so they are forced to use the central zones waypoints. ie; attacking from all angles

anyhow, go look @ the dac manual, it explains how to create strictly waypoint zones etc.

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Thanks so much for the help. Ive read the manual and got my custom waypoints, My respawning camps.

Now im just trying to make the camp (ai respawners) as small as possible. ie 'just a flag or something'

Update. Making the camp invisible was simple. Just use preset 11 for the camp configuration

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well you wouldn't even need to use those camps if you don't want. For just creating waypoint zones i mean.

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