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Separate KEYS folder

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I have the following scenario:

Dedicated Server runs ModX, signed by KEY_B

In the server's local KEYS folder, I have KEY_A.bikey and KEY_B.bikey

User loads up ARMA 2 with ModX, but their version is signed by KEY_A

User is able to connect to the server with no issues, is not kicked

I am going to assume this happens because both BIKEY are in the servers local KEYS folder, so the "fix" would be to remove the unwanted BIKEY from the server and have the user download the correctly signed ModX.

My question is: Is there a way to point a second instance of ARMA2OA_Server to a separate KEYS folder? That way, I can have a test server with one version of the code signed by KEY_A, and the non-test server signed by KEY_B. Users then would not be able to use the files interchangeably.

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You could run the second instance from a second folder with most of the sub-directories "mirrored" via junction points (or symlinks on Linux) - except for the keys folder.

I don't think there is a parameter or config entry to otherwise check for keys in a different location.

Edited by MadDogX

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If I create a private key "FreebornesKey" and make 5 different addons, I can sign them all with the same key.

That's less hassle for me, and less hassle for server admins.

Problem arises when server admins don't want to allow all my addons, only some, or maybe just a specific version (maybe a previous mod I released had an exploit). If that is the case, you can sign each addon yourself, using different keys each time.

Your players have to download your something.bisign files however.

You can actually use two folders for your keys by default if you have Combined Ops:

\ARMA 2\Keys\

\ARMA 2\Expansion\Keys\

Either should work as far as I know.

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Bear in mind that only the dedicated server uses the .key file.

All clients use the .bisign file.

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