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"Bad version. Server rejected connection."

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What's going on here? I can't join most games in ArmA II or OA or DayZ. I've got all the expansions except for the Army of the Czech Republic but I'm also sure that I have the latest patch installed.

Please help, I assume there will be a really obvious answer and this is an extremely nooby question but I can't figure out what I have done/have to do.

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Possibly your not running the mods required, they should tell you which ones are required when you get in the server. ACE being a very popular mod, also you will need CBA, have a check to see if the servers are running specific mods/addons..

P.S don't forget not everyone runs the latest patch/beta, be sure to be at 1.62 at least..

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If you are only used to playing DayZ then you may be starting the game with the wrong .exe. DayZ requires the "launch game with Beta.exe". To start a regular game you need to launch with "Arma2OA.exe". The exact .exe files may be different then what I posted, I'm at work and replying by memory. Best to create a shortcut on your desktop for each one, you can edit the target line (right click-> properties) in each shortcut as needed when you are ready to add mods.

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