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Problem with campaing mission - Tourist Tour

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After i completed story i flew some Tourist Tour missons till point it generated broken misson. Every time i get this misson with pick up customer its not finishable. I landed on customer place and task switched to shight seeying tour. Just customer do not board my heli and stand still so at points i didnt get progress and cant finish mission. Must be some easy script error or overlook.

Using 1.06 patch without rearmed (as it broke some speech for your pilot and other characters).


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Hmm, reinstalled my Sprocket installer that is 1.05 verson and tried again. All works ok. I will try patch 1.06 again to see if its problem of this patch.

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Please let us know if it is. In that case, you could also try disabling / uninstalling Rearmed, so we know where to look. Thanks :)

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He did already without Rearmed it seems:

Using 1.06 patch without rearmed...

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Hmm strange. With reinstall and ptach to 1.06 problem went away. Just sometime this misson is spawned with noubody in heli and you can hear voice of client like he is in. Well its not nice but still can be fixed by restart option to generate new mission. Better than fly 20km to pickup tourist just to realize he not board heli. Maybe its tied o heli? Cos i think i used Training heli without back seats. Tried it too with reisntall + 1.06 and tourist board ok, just was not visible on back seats. Nice touch was code somewhat handle this to some degree as when i had this issue with original install it says client should have clear view to right as he was spawned on front right seat. Now after reinstall they always spawn on left back seat and also board it and taks detect that and say client should have clear view to left. Nice touch. Conclusion is now after reisntall and patch to 1.06 again its not that bad as it was as client board heli and botched spawn at misson start can be cured with restart option. So sure it seems there is problems with procedural mission generation. At least now can detect it on start and not in middle of mission. Looks like this misson have its own mind. Maybe it was false Fade initialization i half with first install? It will be strange cos i have all BI games from OPF times legaly and never got false Fade manifestation. I had Rearmed uninstalled all time as it break some speech for NPC and your voice on operating Heli switches. Beside that i enjoing TOH very much even i am hardcore flight simmer (working on code for BMS Falcon so no light sim can satisfy me) It captrues heli stuff in great way. Looking forward if next patches or DLC add more random missions to campaing after story sandbox.

Edited by ataribaby

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