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Need help with a repair script

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Hello, I want to make a unit able to somewhat repair vehicles, at least patch them up.

I figured that I could use the "object setHit["part",value]" command and that seems to work,

but now I need to be able to see if the part is damaged at all so I can choose to hide the action if it's already working, or it's too damaged, etc.

getHit seems to have been removed so what can be done?

I am using the Ambient Combat Module so I'm guessing eventhandlers would be difficult to add?


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That was the first thing I tried, but I did not see any action for it.

So I'm guessing ace could messing with that in some way,

thanks for the fast reply

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The script is not quite what I'm looking for, but it helped me get going.

now I need to know what parts are the most important ones, like "motor". I found the translation list but its so long and I don't know what you really need from there.

I don't want to use setdamage because I don't want to repair hull, and wheels.

I found this:

this addEventHandler ["dammaged", "hint format['part damaged - %1',_this select 1]"];

in some thread but how can I modify it so I can see all damaged parts after, lets say a rpg blast, and not just the latest?

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if you want players to be ably to repair damage vehicles this is what i use it allows engineers to repair them you will need to change the classname to match the one you are using ill highlight that part in red.

in your init.sqf

[player] execVM "vehiclerepair.sqf";


if ! isdedicated then                                   

if (count _this > 1) then {
(_this select 1) playMove "ActsPercSnonWnonDnon_carFixing2";
sleep 7;
(_this select 0) setDammage 0;
(_this select 0) setFuel 1;	 

if (!isNil ("vehicleRepairInitiated")) exitWith {};
vehicleRepairInitiated = true;
waitUntil {sleep 1; alive player};

while {true} do {

	if (!(_x getVariable ["RepairsInitiated", false])) then {
		_id = _x addAction ["Repair Vehicle", "vehiclerepair.sqf", [], 1, false, true, "", "(getDammage _target) < 1 AND (getDammage _target) > 0 AND (typeOf _this) == '[color="#FF0000"]aawInfantryEngineer[/color]' AND (vehicle _this) == _this"];
		_x setVariable ["RepairsInitiated", true, false];
} foreach vehicles;
sleep 5;



hope this helps

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Thanks a lot hogmanson!

It's not exactly like I wanted it, I just want to fix all parts in a vehicle (ground or air), like rotors and engines, and steering componets. but not the wheels (ace have a function for that)

But this works good so I will use it until I can figure out an other way, some day =)

I modified it like this if anyone is interested:

if ! isdedicated then                                   

_veh = _this select 0;

if (count _this > 1) then {
(_this select 1) playMove "ActsPercSnonWnonDnon_carFixing2";
sleep 32;
if(alive (_this select 1)) then {
	_damage = 0.7;
	_damage = getDammage _veh;
	if(getDammage _veh < 0.7) then {
		_damage = getDammage _veh;
	_veh setDammage _damage;

if (!isNil ("vehicleRepairInitiated")) exitWith {};
vehicleRepairInitiated = true;
waitUntil {sleep 1; alive player};

while {true} do {
if (!(_x getVariable ["RepairsInitiated", false])) then {
		_id = _x addAction ["Repair Vehicle", "vehiclerepair.sqf", [], 1, false, true, "", "(getDammage _target) < 1 AND (!canMove _target) AND (typeOf _this) == 'USMC_SoldierS_Engineer' AND (vehicle _this) == _this AND (fuel _target > 0) AND (_this distance _target < 4)"];
		_x setVariable ["RepairsInitiated", true, false];
} foreach vehicles;
sleep 5;



now you have to be close to the vehicle that you want to repair, and it does not get back to full hp, also you can only repair a vehicle if its damaged enough so it cant move.

still makes the tire exchange from ace redundant, but the non engineers can use that instead.

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Sorry for resurrecting this thread, but if you had multiple specific classes you wanted to use this how would you add their class names in?

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