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[TOH:R|A2]MAP - Monongalia County, West Virginia, US

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Hey everyone,


I didn't want to post this here but in the WIP forum; however, I wanted to get an alpha release out to see if anybody might report any problems (and I'm sure there are guaranteed to be plenty). This is my first effort at creating a terrain beyond a 4 square km section just to follow along with some tutorials. I'm just getting it out since I haven't got a lot of time to work on it right now but have already invested a fair bit. This one is 12,288mx12288m, but there's definitely not much by way of fine detail. Or any detail.


There is an enormous and extensive list of things that remain to be done on this before it can even move past really a pre-alpha phase. The airport has some major problems, barely usable by humans and not recognized by the game or the AI. TOH buildings don't show up on the map, and I don't know if you can normally climb ladders on the water towers but you certainly can't here. Most of the ladders on A2 buildings should be working, though.


However as scenery to fly a helicopter around, this is more than sufficient, and the major road infrastructure is in place to allow some AI to move about on the ground. I have implemented most of the major landmarks around the downtown areas, and have begun placing houses in some of the rural areas. I am gradually planning to remedy the building situation. As it stands currently there's a lot of painted-on scenery.


The general treelines are all done, though; however, there's no rock/bush/misc layer. The trees are mixed somewhat haphazardly via world tools in a single layer but that corresponds pretty well to the actual location.


Here's a link:



I'd be happy to know if anybody has success getting this to work. It requires Take on Helicopters patched with Rearmed and Arma 2. It may work with A2Free, I really don't know. I didn't use any OA assets to my knowledge.


Thanks everyone, and especially thanks to Shezan74 for World tools, and Sgt Ace for the sample map materials. Forgive me that the map is actually called DW_SampleMap.pbo at the moment :j:


Updated 11/18/2012: Many houses added.

Updated 11/19/2012: More houses, some more roads (in theory).

Updated 11/20/2012: A lot more houses, more roads. A lot of the minor roads haven't been smoothed but many should be functional.

Updated 11/21/2012: Many more houses, some minor fixes (and probably regressions too)

Updated 11/22/2012: Cleaned trees off some roads, filled in some more of downtown.

Updated 11/23/2012: A bunch more houses. A few more houses fixed.

Updated 11/24/2012: Realigned most(?) problem houses, a couple more roads, repaired layer texture issue that was probably preventing anyone from using this since revision 1 or 2.

Edited by dwringer

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Nice to see addons for this Game :),

I shall check it out tonight and feedback as soon as I have chance , keep it up.

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Thanks for the support, hopefully you aren't expecting a very finished product ;)

I have done some more updates, removing the copy/pasted houses and adding more 'essential' landmarks, as well as interstate highway bridges. Also I made a rudimentary improvement to the layer mask so there are some paved areas, although it's pretty shoddy atm.

Download is available as soon as the link becomes active again, which should be just a few minutes after this post appears.

EDIT: Sorry, I think I actually broke the map with that revision by linking to textures in a path to a different map on my tools drive... fixed in the latest, and should be working now.

Edited by dwringer

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Is there a working download for this map at the moment, looks nice want to give it a try.

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Has anybody tried it with the free Arma II version yet?

Hope this map will eventually turn into something great.

P.S Nice images. Most promising.

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