jureidinim 10 Posted November 7, 2012 Just curious as to what specific changes were done for the enemy carrier in this new BETA. In my current game, i have taken three neutral islands, stopped at my stockpile island for resupplies and taken one island from the enemy. Up to this point, i have not heard any reports that the enemy carrier has attacked any of my islands. Now it may be that he is off taking the two neutrals on his side of the map which is ok. I just found it ... different .. as all previous games i usually get an alert by my third island takeover, that he is harrassing my islands. Not saying its a bad thing - its actually nice to be planning a bit more and doing more island takeovers without the distress calls of the enemy carrier attacking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
harbinger 1 Posted November 7, 2012 He's probably heading directly for your stockpile, full steam ahead ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guess Who 10 Posted November 7, 2012 He's probably heading directly for your stockpile, full steam ahead ;) Yep, that's what he did in yesterday's game. I started with minimal Islands and supplies on both sides. After taking five or six islands he slipped behind my defense lines and attacked an island deep into my territory and far from his; on first contact he immediately assaulted me with all units and drones launched before in visual range and I was totally unprepared. Well, I lost the fight ... :butbut: Over all I'd say: good changes! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Savant1974 1 Posted November 7, 2012 Just tried a game with the 2nd 1.03 beta; the enemy carrier was much better; I intercepted it while attacking one of my initial islands, tried to destroy it's walruses but they annihilated my mantas (which was excellent), and when I brought the carrier around to face his, it turned and came at me. A nasty fight to be sure, and certainly it was more engaging than the previous build, but it's still a bit of a pushover. Half the problem lies with the onboard weapons being so easy to take out. Once his guns were down, he just sat there and eventually blew up from my 1 remaining walrus armed with shells. So, some tips! * Increase the enemy carrier's hitpoints - if you want it to be as deadly as it's hinted at in the main campaign, it's gotta be tougher. Right now it's too easy to eliminate right at the start of the strategy campaign. * Onboard weapons need to be much tougher - They should be able to keep firing past the first ten seconds of an encounter. This goes for the player carrier too, and reducing damage output to compensate is a reasonable thing to do as well, so that units can have a chance to take them out over a longer period of time. * Walrus hitpoints - the type 2 armour doesn't really lend enough resistance for the little guys, and they're still rather easy to destroy. Their offensive armament is fine though. * The enemy carrier didn't seem to have any sense of self-preservation. Once it was obvious it couldn't fight anymore, it still just sat there. It's possible the engines were dead, but I'd fought it head-on and didn't really get a shot at the engines. * Top repair priority doesn't seem to kick in with fuel below 25%. I had two bars and was trying to get the left docks working again while waiting for the barque, but I couldn't repair anything. Otherwise it's a big step in the right direction! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Savant1974 1 Posted November 7, 2012 I found an issue; after kicking the enemy carrier's backside, it limped off back to the closest enemy island. I then proceeded to go north and take empty islands, and during this time the enemy carrier doesn't do anything. On a hunch, I went to the island I last saw it heading for and sure enough, it was just sitting there, anchored off the coast. I've seen this happen in the last patch too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jureidinim 10 Posted November 7, 2012 Well - if he is going for my stockpile he is in for a shock as I had that island changed to another one :) If he is stocking up on supplies and better armaments for his units before committing to taking my islands, then thats fine too. Anything to make it a good challenge is fine. To what Savant1974 says - yes that seems to be its current behaviour which I hope will eventually be addressed. It seems the enemy carrier is aggressive and "smart" only up to when it gets badly hurt. It doesn't seem to repair and resupply and continue fighting - it just finds the nearest friendly island and sits there waiting to be sunk. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Antares 1 Posted November 12, 2012 What I think about the stockpile. The idea was, that the stockpile holds the goods available for the carrier, and when the stockpile island is flashed, the goods are no longer available, and must be produced anew. Like now, I simply wait a little while, until I assign a new island to the stockpile and the goods which I had produced before the "loss" of my stockpile, are available again. Isn't it a little unlogic ? off-topic in the original game, in the strategy section, the enemy carrier moved from one island to the next so fast that he created almost instantly his hostile network, while I was only capable to create 4 or 5 island, against his maybe 10. The story explained that it was a remote steered carrier by terrorists. off topic end Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
species1571 67 Posted November 12, 2012 I have never noticed if the stock is permanently lost when your stockpile gets taken. Most of my production is done in timewarp and as soon as things are available, I send them to the carrier. Do you also gain anything if you take the enemy stockpile? I have never noticed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Antares 1 Posted November 13, 2012 I have never noticed if the stock is permanently lost when your stockpile gets taken. Most of my production is done in timewarp and as soon as things are available, I send them to the carrier. Do you also gain anything if you take the enemy stockpile? I have never noticed. The enemy stockpile island. As it is now, you gain the island and the temporary interruption of the production for the enemy carrier. Not more. That means of course that the enemy goods are again at his disposal as soon he assigns a new island for stockpiling. The same is a fact for my stockpile island. If I loose my stockpiling island because it was conquered, i loose the means of replenishment, and an interruption of new goods toward my carrier via barque. When I am assigning a new island for stockpiling, I get my old goods back, as soon the assign is completed. Another thing that is in the beta patch v1.03.0006 and earlier, wrong, is: I have for instance two empty manta number (say 4 and 5) on my carrier. If I put in the barque 2 mantas and 1 walrus, sometimes it happens, that the barque returns the mantas back to the stockpile island. The same happens with weapons for walrusses or mantas. Maybe I overlooked something, but if I have empty manta bays, and I ordering the mantas on the barque to the carrier, it would be logic that I get them. I solved it, getting them one barque trip at a time. This happens only if I need only 1 or 2 mantas in adition to the mantas already docked. Or walrusses. And not always. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
species1571 67 Posted November 13, 2012 Another thing that is in the beta patch v1.03.0006 and earlier, wrong, is: I have for instance two empty manta number (say 4 and 5) on my carrier. If I put in the barque 2 mantas and 1 walrus, sometimes it happens, that the barque returns the mantas back to the stockpile island. The same happens with weapons for walrusses or mantas. Maybe I overlooked something, but if I have empty manta bays, and I ordering the mantas on the barque to the carrier, it would be logic that I get them. I solved it, getting them one barque trip at a time. This happens only if I need only 1 or 2 mantas in adition to the mantas already docked. Or walrusses. And not always. Yes, I have noticed this too. If you have 2 missing mantas and no spares, you would think that transferring 4 mantas (2 for the bay, 2 for storage) to the carrier would work, but actually 2 of them go back. I think it is because for a short time the mantas are going into the storage area before they get moved to the bay. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites