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1.03 walrus pathfinding- what sort of feedback preferred?

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On behalf of the more active members of the forums, I'd like to ask what sort of feedback would be useful to the developers from us, the playing, modding and tech-savvy public. Allow me to clarify.

I've noticed a significant improvement in walrus AI since the beta patch, however on some islands, I still notice serious pathfinding issues. This makes me think it's island-specific, and as mentioned before in other posts, we're guessing it has to do with the navigation mesh.

What sort of feedback would the devs like to receive? would it help them in any way if we provide the islands and exact locations where pathfinding is still wonky (consistently), or would that just waste your (and our) time?

Also, is there anything specific we need to pay attention to?

And lastly, and I'm not sure if you can answer this, but- how's the walrus pathfinding work, exactly, and what was the problem with it? I'm sure there's a lot of techies on these forums that would love to know, but I've seen noone ask it this bluntly yet ;)

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We did many changes to pathfinding in the latest patch. The first one is fixed bug in navigation-space generator which accidentally created paths down from the cliffs, or contrary, up the steep hill. This solved problems on certain islands where the walruses were totally hopeless. If you can report certain island or certain spot on the island where the problem persists we will appreciate it. That what you were asking for, so yes, please - feedback is welcome.

Another problem is dynamic obstacle avoidance which was extremely pessimistic and one walrus ahead of another rendered completely blocked pathway and forced the one behind to look for other way. This hasn't been solved completely yet but improved a lot. We are still working on it.

Last big problem is assist AI action which is sometimes stressed with constantly changing terrain, width of pathway, dynamic obstacles, different speeds of vehicles etc. It has been improved a lot but some problems still remain. It's the top most priority now.

best regards,

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  fido said:
If you can report certain island or certain spot on the island where the problem persists we will appreciate it. That what you were asking for, so yes, please - feedback is welcome.

A grid/coordinates on the map view would be very welcome :)

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  fido said:
We did many changes to pathfinding in the latest patch. The first one is fixed bug in navigation-space generator which accidentally created paths down from the cliffs, or contrary, up the steep hill. This solved problems on certain islands where the walruses were totally hopeless. If you can report certain island or certain spot on the island where the problem persists we will appreciate it. That what you were asking for, so yes, please - feedback is welcome.

Another problem is dynamic obstacle avoidance which was extremely pessimistic and one walrus ahead of another rendered completely blocked pathway and forced the one behind to look for other way. This hasn't been solved completely yet but improved a lot. We are still working on it.

Last big problem is assist AI action which is sometimes stressed with constantly changing terrain, width of pathway, dynamic obstacles, different speeds of vehicles etc. It has been improved a lot but some problems still remain. It's the top most priority now.

best regards,

The carrier autopilot will ground the carrier and cause damage when using it to travel around the south side of deadlock.

Not sure if this is fixed in the beta patch but wanted to mention it!

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Pathfinding failed for me on Treasure during campain twice.

From command center to carrier (docking) and from refinery to carrier (docking). Both were only moving forwards-backwards for a second each without to try to do a turn.

1st one there was an space between a tree and a rock where it faild, 2nd one was on the north east bridge on the island with the refinery.

Could be that the waypoint was a bit close to the corner and the pathfinding is set to hit exactly the waypoints.

Didnt had it in 1.2.

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