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Texturing help

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Hi all

I have created a simple texture for my now re scaled bambi bucket but having trouble texturing in O2. I saved the image as a GIF but for some reason the texture appears behind the object even thought I have selected the front faces. I don't have paint photoshop and not sure what the appropriate texture formate the textures should be saved as



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get Gimp

its free and save as a TGA and make sure you select SaveAS and untick the box that says RLE this will stop compression.

Finally make sure the texture is 2^2 or in your case 512*512 will be good for small bucket .

2^2 is accepted format for engine , this explanation can be looked up but essentially 512*512 , 1024*1024 ,2048 .......

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The texture you are using( he has already emailed it to me, and is displayed below ) needs to be in a power of 4. So the width x height is something like 128px X 128px. The reason your texture is failing the conversion, is because when the mipmaps are being generated, they can't be divided by 4. 128/4 = 32/4 = 8/4 = 2. Mipmaps are smaller and smaller version of the original texture. They are used to texture the object in game, but at lower resolution when the player is further away.

Think of Mipmaps as LODs for textures.

Also when you create a texture sheet, you don't have to draw the actual object on it. Since your texture is pretty flat, you can create a texture sheet that is striped; compare the following 2 images( your orginal, and my new one ):

Original Image: thumb_bambibucket.gif Modified w/ power of 4: thumb_bambibucket.png

You can click the images for a larger version. The modified version, then allows you to use the UV Edit in O2, to grab the model and place it on the texture as you like. In this case, you need to flatten the model in a Front/Back direction.

So, in O2:

  1. Click on the modified image to enlarge it. Then right click it and choose 'save image as...'. Save it to your working folder.
  2. Open your model, and hit your 'A' key. This brings you into the texture mode.
  3. Right click and choose 'Load Texture'. Navigate to where your texture is, and select it.
  4. Then draw a box around your model in the front or side viewport. Try to match the size as best as you can.
  5. Then view your model, up close, in Bulldozer.
  6. If everything looks good, then you are done. If not, adjust where the box around the model is to make your changes.

Hope that helps! ;-)

Edited by Sven2157

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Thanks Guys

Cool got that my object is now textured and bulldozer has created a paa2 file. Next step is getting it in the game. I assume I need to add the paa file in the model cfg for it to appear in the game?


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  nosecone said:
Thanks Guys

Cool got that my object is now textured and bulldozer has created a paa2 file. Next step is getting it in the game. I assume I need to add the paa file in the model cfg for it to appear in the game?


Nope, use BinPBO; make sure that everything is in the same folder, or tree of folders. Then select the bambiBucket folder in BinPBO, and pack it up. Then second box in BinPBO, is where the file will output. This can be where ever you want. You just need to the make sure that the PBO that is created is in an addon folder in TKOH root folder.

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Thanks sven

I have successfully textured the bucket so got that sorted, thanks heaps for your help on this. I have managed to replace my new textured bambibucket and place it in the original put out the fire mission which was created by Thromp.

Everything works the new textured bucket appears in the mission, water drops and puts out the fire. The only issue I have is the rope to between the helo and bucket is to long, when I approach the bucket to attach to the helicopter the bucket disappears below the ground then reappears when the helicopter has gained altitude I need to some how shorten the rope if that is possible?


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You probably need to add to the 'Geometry' LOD, 'Ground Contact Points'. Open the Sample Medium Helicopter in O2 and have a look at how they did it there. Those contact points, combined with a proper Geometry LOD, should prevent the model from falling through the terrain.

Watch the O2 Tutorials by Gnat on Youtube. I forget which one he explains it in, but try number 5 of 8. I think that is the one.

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Hi Sven

Here is a shot of the project


I can't seem to find the sample of the light helicopter just the medium sample one


Edited by nosecone

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  nosecone said:

I can't seem to find the sample of the light helicopter just the medium sample one


Awesome! Congratulations! The medium is the only sample, but has ALL the parts and code to make an addon. Just open the model p3d file, and have a look at the Geometry LOD and look for the MASS and CONTACT POINTS.

It is really coming along! ;)

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Thanks Sven

I assume by mass you are referring to the weight of the object? I applied a mass of 400 to the object but after I saved my work and re opened it the object does not appear just a blue cross when I go to the LOD window and click geometry click properties my bucket appears. Not sure where to add contact points



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