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Volume of sound triggered via "say3D"

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What I am trying to do is seemingly simple, but many hours of sifting through the forums has yielded no answers.

In short, I want any player in a CO-OP mission to be able to trigger a sound that will emanate from a specific object, with distance fade.

As it is, almost everything is working fine. The sound is triggered, 3D placement is perfect, fade is perfect. Unfortunately, the volume of the sound is unacceptably low. No amount of fiddling with the file's inherent level nor the level setting in the cfgsound entry (I've tested from -60dB to +60dB) has any effect.

Outside of the game , the level is fine.

Is there a better way to do this? Perhaps define and call the file as a different class? I tried defining it in cfgmusic and triggering it as an effect, but then there is no localization of the sound (everyone on the map hears it at equal volume no matter their location).

Thanks for any assistance you may be able to offer!

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When you define your sound in your description.ext it should look like this:

class talk1_1
	name = "talk1_1"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\sounds\talk1_1.ogg, db+0, 1.0};
	titles[] = {0,""};

db+0 is the volume. If you want to set it louder replace 0 by 10 (i.e db+10).

Here's a link to detailed description.ext file: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext



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He just said he already did that.

Are you trying to hear it from inside a vehicle?

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Are you trying to hear it from inside a vehicle?

No, just in a very specific outdoor area. Basically, everything is working the way I want it except for the volume. It is maddening!

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Is your sound file in correct format ?

Look in root folder if you have tools , there is sound too , you want a 16 bit mono file iirc , to be sure if you drop your wss file in that exe it will tell you if it's not .

Are there any other sounds playing nearby ? Some sounds have a third value , which dictates the fade distance at which the distance they can be heard , this can make other sounds around them sound quiter .

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Alternatively you can use the say command (just say and not say3d) (if say3d isn't working out for you) and have the lines for the description.ext like this:

class sound1


name = "";

sound[] = {"\sound\sound1.ogg", 0.15, 1};

titles[] = {""};


The bolded part should be 0.10 - 0.25 or anywhere in between for good balanced effect.

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File is correct format. There are general environmental sounds playing (wind, etc.) but they are native to the map (Faysh Khabur), not placed by me in the editor. Not sure if that makes a difference...?

I'll give "say" a try.

Thanks for the input, guys!

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Rejenorst -

"Say" seems to work perfectly! Don't know why I didn't try it before. Just need to test it in MP and I'll be good to go.

Thanks for all of the replies and assistance!

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