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Quick save/load?

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I see these lines in the settings file:

<key code="f5" action="quicksave" />

<key code="f9" action="quickload" />

Is there any way to get these to work?

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I've already reported it in Beta 3 in the bugtracker, Auto save does not seem to work.

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Not sure why I cant create a new thread as suggested by the red text so I will just post here, as it relates to the OP. What about the quicksave / quickload?! I noticed the option in-game under the controls section and gave the quicksave try. Nothing seemed to happen but I assumed that was as intended. However when I tried to quickload, the same bloody thing happened, nothing! After looking at the list of saved games to load in the relevant menu, I noticed no 'quicksave' was present and started to wonder what was wrong... was it the button I pressed? No, I double and triple checked it, even so far as change the button so as to force the game to recognize the fact that indeed I had a button that was press-able but nothing changed as far as functionality. I checked several forums on the subject but all of them seemed to relate to a later version and hinted that it was only present in some .ini files. However I am currently using version 1.6.0011... the 1 (one) in-front kind of has a 'full version' but I guess it just means 'full version BETA'... so forgetting standard version number convention, we will just ignore that fact. The problem I have is the control menu actually lists it as an option, which is all kinds of confusing for new users like myself. Are we to believe that its just there as a place-holder for some future feature that may or may not ever be added? Or is this a serious bug that is not yet fixed but is advertised as a function of the game? My thoughts are that it should NOT be in the options menu or at the very least have some sort of warning that indicates that it is still being worked on. The fact that I am posting this some two years after the original post kind of gives some indication that this should have been dealt with by now, so maybe its a new bug caused by recent changes... I just want to know if it is one way or the other. Either way, its darn troublesome and more than a little hit to the game's already shaky reputation.

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I've just replied to you on Steam...

The latest version is 1.07.0025. As it is classed as "beta", you have to opt into it by going to your library in the steam client, right click carrier command, properties, betas.

If you want a fuller solution once you have the beta, the Deadly Islands mod adds a better quick save function as well as an adjustable timed auto-save, both of which appear in the saved games list and can be resumed after a crash, unlike the normal quick save.

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