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Sound addon for ofp resistance

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Wright, if anything I'd say that the new Resistance M16/AK/PK sounds are better than the ones in your pack. They really are a great improvement over the old OFP ones. Your suggestion to put them in a pack is a good one - would it be possible for you to change your soundmod to use the Resistance samples for those weapons, but leave the rest of your sounds intact? smile.gif

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Yeah Munger that would be realitively easy to do. Can you send me those sounds in .wss, .wav, or .ogg format? If so I can churn one out for you pretty quick.


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Thanks for the offer mate but with a bit of fiddling I've managed to do it myself. Now I'm trying to insert some of Satchel's sounds into your new soundmod but I can't convert the ogg's to wss format. I've emailed you about it so please let me know how this is possible one way orthe other. Thanks for your help. smile.gif

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confused.gif but what about the pistols, the sounds for all of the 'new' weapons in resistance is terrible, the uzi sounds like a space invader?




Beretta, BerettaMag

Tokarev, TokarevMag

CZ75, CZ75Mag

Glock, GlockMag

Skorpion, SkorpionMag

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Anything new regarding soundpacks for OFP:R ??

I really wonder why BIS has not been working this out so far...

Now that gfx are really very good, it would time to have better sounds nop ?

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this sound pack is brilliant, i just tried it, but one thing, i hate the AK74/47 sound, can you make it so it keeps the Resistance AK74/47 sound

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"the uzi sounds like a space invader"

It's got a silencer, so ofcourse it doesn't make the regular UZI sound...

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Excellent and guns are very loud. Make me jump with cans on. Lovely deep bass rumble from the tanks and bmps. Top stuff biggrin.gif

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very nice soundpack. My only real quarrel with the sounds are most of the machine gun sounds, which, while good, dont sound as accurate as Satchels old ones. The rest, however, suits me well.

The only thing I can possibly request is for you (or someone else, anyone!) to fix those pistol/Hkg3 sounds. Agh, this is a plea for help! the pistols just dont sound like pistols without the loud retort typicaly found in such weapons. The beretta 92fs sounds like a pop gun, for #%#)%@'s sake!

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First of all, those of you going out of your way to improve on the games sounds my hat is off to you. Your taking your blood and sweat and putting into the game to give players a better experience. smile.gif

Now for my "rant". Satchel had those sounds down PAT. Everyone of the sounds he recorded sound EXACTLY like the real thing from the Crack of the M-16 to the distinctive "Bark" of the AK. I dont know about yall but it made OPF MUCH more enjoyable. I went back and replayed the entire game. Some of the sound packs released for OPF:R are,how shall i say, too arcadie. Assault Rifles do not have a low thud sound to them. They all give a sharp CRACK and yes the AK-47 sounds like it BARKs. (nothing else in the world sounds like an AK)

The Black Hawks and non-turbine MBTs/IFVs sounded perfect. Diesel Engines which the T-72/T-55/M-60 used do not sound like Turbine engines they dont "whistle" they have deep base sound to them. The main cannon report form the MBTs was DEAD ON. Even down to the "whisp and Crack" sound of a SAbot round flying by. The Quad 23mm of the ZSU-23-4 were also on the money. Quad 23mm sound a bit like Ripping metal,some what like a vulcan but slower.

So please, i beg one of you. Import Satchel's sounds straight over to Resistance,don't add to them don't take something out just bring them straight over. biggrin.gif

sorry for the stupidity wink.gif

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