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Can´t get TKOH Rearmed to work on Steam

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Steam has recently finished downloading/installing latest DLC for TKOH: Rearmed + Noisecontrollers but somehow nothing changes if I launch the game, even If I launch Steam as an Administrator.

What I tried to do, since I see that two new folders now exist in my TKOH folder, one is "Noisecontrollers" and the other "Rearmed", is to add them as mods using for example: -mod=Hinds;Rearmed;Noisecontrollers on the Steam startup parameters.

Now when I launch TKOH, they all show ticked in the "expansions" menu and now I can play Noisecontrollers missions, but still I can´t use any map belonging to ARMA 2 or ARMA 2 OA (I own both of them on Steam).

Thank you!

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try verify file integrity of TOH and then start it again ...

also make sure you ran once ARMA 2 and ARMA 2: OA via STEAM client before running TOH

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I don´t really understand why but it worked after doing the following:

1 - Rebooted

2 - Launched Steam as Admin

3 - Erased everything in the Steam´s TKOH startup parameters

4 - Launched TKOH

5 - It all worked fine!

Thank you all for your replies!

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  Grungeman said:

3 - Erased everything in the Steam´s TKOH startup parameters

This is what fixed it. If there's no startup parameters, ToH will load from the registry, which loads Rearmed plus all the Arma 2 content. If you want to use the modline, you have to also tell it to load the Arma 2 content that you want loaded.

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