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ARMA3 banned in Iran

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It's just a video game. Donnow why that want to ban an video game just because of its content.

i know at least such examples, on west you also have bans, for example i remember old DOS game from 90s when you fought Palestinian man vs IDF troops and it was banned because in this game you shoot to Jews (IDF) it was called "Under Ash" if i remember correctly, this game was never published, only on P2P network it was to download cause noone wanted to release it, i remember some other not-politically correct games that were banned too because there was shooting to IDF or Jews or such like, so bans are normal depending of content , i see nothing special in it, if in my country there would be a game that hero plays SS-man vs civilians during 1944 Uprising i would even go to street to protest to ban it along with thousands of other people , some content is inapropriate in some countries, expecting that Iranians would be happy to see them in game as target is highly doubtfull just like it is highly doubtfull if Under Ash or its sequel would be attached as bonus CD to saturday's mainstream gazette ,

regarding democracy - how politcal correctness comes to democracy ? you can criticize one but can't other, is it democracy ?

Edited by vilas

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