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[RGG] Tournament 2012

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[RGG] Project reality Tournament



So we've come to a point and we now have the tournament commanders ready, its now your turn to be a part of the next evolution of Project Reality Arma 2, its your turn to make this the best gaming experience ever.

You already know what you are capable of when playing on a day to day basis, now its time to take that next step and fight for more than just yourself but to fight for a reason, a cause.

The main purpose of this tournament is to produce what we consider to be the best military stratagems and combat that can be produced and to provide the tools for you and the commanders to do that with.

So I will now proceed to explain what will be featured in the tournament, who the commanders are, and other details such as duration of the tournament etc.

Features of the Tournament:

To start off with I'm going to be giving you the island that you will be fighting over, an old friend in many respects, an ally to those that have dirtied themselves in the southern sands and hidden in the northern woodlands.

Sahrani Island will be your destination whereby you will fight over the whole island, all 225km2 of it, it is a treacherous land which will consume you and spit you out like the son of a mother you are, with temperate climates to the north where lush trees grow to the arid deserts of the south where the only moisture you’ll find is the sweat dripping off your brow.

Now I will move on to the game mode you will be playing, naturally as you may have guessed will be the Assault and Secure game mode, 33 flags in all spread out over each important city.

Each week you will fight and when the night comes to an end the game will be saved and restarted when you return the week after, when the match resumes you will carry on fighting from where you were the week before.

So this in effect means you can take the whole map in one day if you wanted, and this means strategies of all kinds will have to be formulated, the tournament will end when you have captured the last flag.

So now I'm going to give you the factions and the logos that the commanders have chosen, I will give a brief description of what they may contain and in what way they will likely be fighting.

United States Army:

The US army will be starting in the south near on the new air field , they will consist of MultiCam units which will be particularly effective in the deserts of the south, but almost next to useless in the lush forests of the north.

As a US Army soldier you will follow accordingly with rank structure and protocol, you will be fighting with the M4 Carbine as your mainstay of the firepower.

Russian Federation:

The Russain Federation which will be starting in the north near location , and they will be clad in the Green camo , this will be very usefull in the northern part of Sahrani but extremely open in the flat deserts of the south.

The AK 74 will be the main weapon of the Russain Federation, and you will be following the rank and structure of the Russain Army.

The Commanders


http://www.rggclan.com (172 kB)

So the commander of the US army is Sklor, he is serving as a part of the real deal in Afghanistan and is the best candidate for American thinking and strategy, he’s going to bring some American steel to this fight.

Steam: Sklor

A bit from the Commander:

Gents! I look forward to working with you and making the most of this tournament. We have a lot of potential here to make this tournament something much more than tournaments in the past.

I plan on bringing my military background to the table, to authenticate this experience and make it worth while. I have been in the United States Marine Corps for almost 5 years now, having done a Combat tour to Afghanistan back in 2010.

I will do my very best to share my knowledge/experience with you to make you more combat ready and efficient. We will be the best and we certainly are going to give TheBearJew and his Russian Army a run for his money.

Be prepared to gain some perspective of what it's like to be apart of a real Military unit, during a Combat Operation for this is my intention.


http://www.rggclan.com (161 kB)

The commander of the Russain Federation is TheBearJew, he is serving in the British Army and is a tough nut, he will be bringing the Russian might to this battle.

Steam: [RGG]TheBearJew

A bit from the Commander:

All right lads this wont be an easy one but we will work together and we will be victorious, I will be working with you on the basis of the more you put in the more you get out, I hope to be able to find common ground with you and eliminate the enemy quicker than they can think.

I will see you soon.

Signing Up

General Information

So when you sign up you will be randomly assigned to an army, there is a way of chosing your army which will be further described below, you may only sign up once.

Once you are in an army you will then be under the control of your commander who will decide where you go and what you do, it will be up to him to decide what you will become in the grand scheme of things, and if he says “jump†you say “how high!†if he says “the world revolves around me†you go “yessirâ€.

So you understand what youve got to do now you just need to sign up, what we require are:

Ingame Name:


Steam Name:

Player ID:

The Sign Up forum is here Sign Up Link[/color]

Anything less is a refusal from us as we require this information to ensure we remain in contact with you and to ensure that your player ID is entered straight into the XML, ỳou will also be invited to join the steam group which has been created for your team.

You can withhold information if you want but any withheld information needs to be PM'ed to me with a proper subject title etc.

How to join the team you want

So finally we move on to you wanting to join a different team as to the one you are automatically put in, you can do this two ways with several payment options, in essence in order to join another team to the one your automatically put in requires a donation. (minimum £2)

First way:

You donate when you hand in your submission and provide reference to your payment details and get to choose your team.

Second way:

You hand in your submission and go through the automatic process, you decide you want to switch teams so you donate, this option will close a week before the tournament starts.

Payment Options:

So there are two ways of paying, the first being you pay yourself, the second being someone else pays for you.

If you are say, part of a clan/group, you can all pool your money and pay together, in this case we will likely give a discount if you have over 5 people.

There are no other ways around this, its either donate or be content.


Player important Information

So here im going to give you some info on what to expect the do’s and don’ts and the process youll go through when you join up, what to expect and the life of a tourney soldier, what you can do to boost your chances of having more responsibility and the general way in which to proceed in the tournament so you get the best of what you can gain.

So before we go any further I am going to say that to join in the tournament requires a bit more from you the player, than just your average public game, as an overall youll be expected to put in that extra effort to change the way you play the game, youll be expected to work together on objectives and complete them without diverging.

Here I’ll list a few do’s and don’ts which are important to your enjoyment of the tournament and the players around you.


1/. Listen to your commander all the way, this is of utmost importance as it allows you the player to do your part for the team and be a part of something greater than your own mission, every person counts in this so if one decides hes not going to follow it really shows.

2/. Keep up the communication on the forums, watch whats happening and talk talk talk, the more you help the commander understand your mission the more you can do what you want, and get the resources/support you require to complete it.

3/. Ensure you support your commander at every turn, if you don’t you will undermine your commander and ensure that your team will lose, give suggestions rather than complaints.

4/. Provide supportive feedback to RGG and maybe if you can a few suggestions on what we can do to improve it, constant complaints or outright “this is crap†will be ignored.

5/. Turn up to training as best as you can, don’t expect to be a high ranking player if all you do is turn up to the matches, high K/D ratios will earn you medals/ribbons not promotions.

6/. Get a microphone if you haven’t got one, in order to be a leader in the tournament you need to have a microphone.

7/. Ensure you apply yourself to the many different tasks that can be done in PR, for example if you haven’t used a mortar yet then go and use one, to be an effective squad leader you will need to know how each thing works.

8/. Get used to swapping between long range and short range scopes, this will be an essential piece of knowledge to winning the tournament, the ability to understand the optimum scope for the task.

9/. Study the map I have provided in great detail, download the map itself if you want [caa1 project] and just drive a vehicle around it for a while, don’t fly around it though as this will give you the wrong kind of information you need.

10/. Get used to the army you join, if you don’t turn up to training and only the matches you will be confused by the new kinds of weaponry and vehicles you will be using, the tactics your team is using etc.


1/. Try not to be an everything squad, the commander will give you specific roles anyway and if done properly should eventually come as second nature to you, if that becomes the case then you will be more of an asset to your team.

2/. Don’t bother with trying to be a sniper or helicopter pilot initially, ofcourse there is call for them, but only once youve proved your ability during training, the commander is not going to trust you with a sniper rifle or pilot kit if he hasn’t seen your ability to work as a team.

3/. Do not expect to be a squad leader if you aren’t willing to turn up to training, or briefings or any other form of activity before the tournament starts, we understand that people live in different timezones, but the commander will likely choose players who are actively involved in helping out.

4/. Don’t ask for silly things, as an overall the tournament is here to have fun and show PR is a great mod while introducing new objects rather than concepts.

5/. Do not complain to the PR devs or ask things of them, this is not created by the PR devs or controlled by them, all things associated with the tournament are RGG.

6/. Do not assume that everyone in the tournament is a veteran of PR, we will actively encourage new players into the tournament, any mention of new players in a bad way will be frowned upon.

7/. Do not advertise the tournament under the PR name, although we are using the PR system we aren’t a part of PR and the tournament would give the wrong impression as to what PR stands for which is ease of use public gameplay, we do however encourage you to advertise under the RGG name.

8/. Do not actively annoy the admins, this is just a general tip to all, if you just say sorry and understand the rule youve broken youll be let back in, arguing will get you no where, in our clan there are no excuses.

9/. Do not argue with your commander/squad leader/fireteamleader, just do the task your given and do it with vigour.

10/. Do not pester members of RGG about the tournament, myself and the commanders are the people to pester.

So as an overall if your competitive and teamwork orientated then sign up, if not then take the time to listen and learn, ensuring that you quickly catch on to a different and in my opinion much better gameplay.

Statement from [RGG]

Just a little bit from us really, we hope that you all sign up for the tournament, the amount of time put in by the [RGG] team is quite extensive and takes away from our own game time.

We will enjoy watching you all killing each other, some [RGG] members will be joining in also, and we hope to get a lot of footage from this detailing the various exploits of the different teams that work together and how they did.


So apart from the obvious route I have already given to you, you can also donate just because you want to, if you would like to donate in this manner then please just donate to the address provided below.



I would also like to push again the chance to subscribe to the [RGG] newsletter which will be sent to the email you provide and will detail the latest information for the tournament.

I will detail some important rules to you which if you decide to break will equal grave consequences, these do not equal a ban from the public game play but will put you on the blacklist for future tournaments, and will likely be banned from the current tournament.

1/. You must obey your commander, no ifs or buts, just do as he says, if at any point he says to the admin your name and not listening you will be gone and replaced with someone else.

2/. You must obey the admin, if the admin asks for you to wait where you are or to stand still then do as told, any side ways “oh I didn’t see the text†is just an excuse, we at RGG don’t care for excuses, we look for mature people who take account of their actions.

3/. Do not sign up on multiple accounts, if any of this does happen you wont see another RGG tournament, this is unacceptable.

4/. Do not publicly question or bash players, any of this equals in you being gone for the rest of the tournament, playful banter is fine as long as you don’t seek out certain players and healthy discussion is always encouraged.

5/. Do not in any way attempt espionage before the weekends battle, signing in on different names or attempting to see the enemies plans are not allowed, this includes divulging your own teams plans, this counts for people receiving information also.


When is the tournament going to start?

We will give a more definitive date later.

Do the same rules from public games apply?

Yes they do, so you must read the tournament rules and the public game rules.

Is there a tournament forum?

There will be, we hope to finish it sometime soon, any help offered will be gladly accepted. (phpBB3)

Can I report a cheater or information giver?

Of course, we will ensure you remain anonymous, as always we will work hard to foil those who want to ruin the game/mod.

Where do I sign up?

In this thread here Sign Up Forums

Can I help in the creation of the tournament?

Ofcourse, beware though that saying you will help then wondering off when we’ve given you something to do will not be taken lightly, we have a tight schedule.

If I am banned on your public server when I have signed up will that affect my tournament game?

Yes this will affect all of our servers, which includes the tournament server.

Can I join in later than the tournament start date?

Yes but you will assume a low rank, and will not be able to choose your own team, the difficulty with being a late comer is that you will be out of the loop overall and will not have had any training.

To end this post I will give you my email address and my information, just so that if you do have any questions then send them my way, any emails with “hi†or “ive got a great idea†will be ignored, please provide relevant subject material.


Email: Dale@rggclan.com

Steam ID: DaleRGG

So there you have it, the two armies will be meeting head to head sometime in the next few weeks.

Edited by Dale

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Isn't it going to be pretty unbalanced since you're giving the Russian faction out of date AK-74's from soviet times and probably dated vanilla camouflage.. and iron sights don't work the same way they work in real life its going to be lopsided unless you give them modern assault rifles with optics such as AK74M w/ 1P29 or any of the new optics they have in their arsenal. Something tells me you're going to use Takistani units which is a insult to any competent Army.

My recommendations:

Digital camo schemes for RF




And I think its East weapons pack that has the nice AK-74's, theres also RHSMOD but its kind of dated, although vehicles etc are nice.

Edited by rufor

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Isn't it going to be pretty unbalanced since you're giving the Russian faction out of date AK-74's from soviet times and probably dated vanilla camouflage.. and iron sights don't work the same way they work in real life its going to be lopsided unless you give them modern assault rifles with optics such as AK74M w/ 1P29 or any of the new optics they have in their arsenal. Something tells me you're going to use Takistani units which is a insult to any competent Army.

My recommendations:

Digital camo schemes for RF




And I think its East weapons pack that has the nice AK-74's, theres also RHSMOD but its kind of dated, although vehicles etc are nice.

We will be using Optics yes, im not sure about specific gun types though, as far as im concerned the idea is to just have fun in PvP :).

We aim to provide more teamwork orientated gameplay with heavy admining and rules, so that players focus on the objectives and actually talk during a match, although we do consider at least getting stuff as relevant as possible due to this being our first tournament in a while our main aim is making gameplay good.

Therefore we will be focusing on the players more than the content, once the players are at the right standard then we shall move on to the content, there really is no point in spending ages getting a weapon into the tournament just to have the player become some GungHo lone wolf sniper AT (javelin) marksman :(

So we will for sure take into consideration your suggestions but I don't want people joining on the pretense that its going to be full realism when weapons and content is concerned, that will come later when we have put enough time and effort into making the gameplay as best as possible, and we have time to focus on adding weapons and vehicles into the future tournaments.

I want people to join the tournament because it provides good intense gameplay and offers a group of people who are enjoyable to be around and are top notch players :cool:.

Also don't make assumptions on what we will or wont use :) we are currently going to use the units which come from another mod, not the Takistani units, so I will update with a mod list at some point but for now I will leave you guessing as making suggestions is very important.

Hope that helps :)

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good luck with this Dale - it's good to see such a coordinated event.

wish you every success. :)

will b v interested to see how it turns out.

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good luck with this Dale - it's good to see such a coordinated event.

wish you every success. :)

will b v interested to see how it turns out.

Yeah, good luck with this.

Hope we get to see some gameplay footage.

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Thanks lads I very much appreciate the support :)

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just an update (sorry for double post) but we will no longer be using the Project Reality Mod as its constraints limit us to much.

We will be using another mod, with similar style and geared towards PvP.

Again sorry for the double post but I thought this was important :)

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just an update (sorry for double post) but we will no longer be using the Project Reality Mod as its constraints limit us to much.

We will be using another mod, with similar style and geared towards PvP.

Again sorry for the double post but I thought this was important :)


Yes..for some people it is important.

More on your forums..

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Everythings been updated, sorry but I needed to go through the list tick by tick.

We will be updating the post with what mods we will be using, if you have any preferences then please post them on the rgg forums.

Overall we have got a lot of people signed up now, and its just the steady wait for wormeaten to implement the new mods into the mission, training and general strategical pratice is to be done in the meantime.

if you are a clan or a community this is a great way to talk to some very good community players who are very good gameplay wise and are very enjoyable to be around :)

I will leave you with a few vids of our last event as it was quite a spectacular one!



Best Regards


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