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deleted game files, didn't fix by re download

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Hey, so recently i've been getting a few error messages when joining servers, saying i'm missing some files. specifically:

You cannot edit/play this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. chernarus, CAWheeled2_LAV25, cawater2_smallboat_1

as well as a few other files that would just take me a long time to write out. I've uninstalled both arma 2 & OA and re downloaded via steam, hasn't fixed the problem, so far for me, it means that some servers (a lot) i can't join as they just bounce me back and disconnect me straight away and also when hosting a private server with friends on the ARMEX (i think thats what its called?) i don't think i can see certain vehicle models as they can see some planes that i can't see.

Cheers guys,


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This message ocurs when you try to connect to a combined operatiosn servers with just ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead....you're simply missing the chernarus and Marine Corps files from ArmA II from the merged ArmA II and ArmA II: OA Installation.

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Um, that's the error you get, when you're missing the whole of original ArmA II. Try uninstalling, then deleting all .cfgs in your User Documents, or wherever they're located - look for them.

Edit: Ninja'd. :P Looks like you only have Operation Arrowhead (Takistan island).

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can i just say, i've got both arma 2 & OA and launching combined operations doesn't work basically...

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If that doesn't work, try uninstalling them with a program like CCleaner. Or you could just manually remove the config files if you feel up to it.

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