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how to convert back groups or objects which where converted to a string

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is there a way to convert groups or objects back to ther heritence data type or is this information lost after it was "stringed"?

grz ct

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Can you give an example of what you're trying to do? I can't imagine what you mean by "stringed". :)

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Like Kylania said can you give us an example of what your trying to do? I don't know why you would even need to do this.

If your refering to changing things to a string with this command: str

_myvar = player;

_mystring = str _myvar;

hint _mystring;

// you can still reference the object later
_myvar setDamage 1;

The variable does not go anywhere, when you pass it a variable that is referring to a group or an object it converts data into a string, in those cases the name of the group or the object. The variable or pointer that you passed this command is still there unless you destroy it:

_myvar = nil



Now if your talking about passing data through strings like over the network or to a persistent database take a look at the example mission in my sig.

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