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Animations y u no work?

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Alright, so I'm trying to get tasers working for this group. Now, it's detecting the shooting people and everything but I'm having difficulties broadcasting animations. Here's my script.

player playMove "adthpercmstpslowwrfldnon_4";
player setVehicleInit "this playMove ""adthpercmstpslowwrfldnon_4"";";
removeAllWeapons player;
sleep 10;
player switchMove "";
player setVehicleInit "this switchMove """";";

Now, it plays the move perfectly, and locally the player gets back on his feet, but it doesn't broadcast it, like the guy is just laying there on the ground for me. Advice?

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Why did you put "Setvehicleinit"...

Wouldnt it just be Player playmove "adasdfoiubnasf"

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So he doesn't get up? Try broadcasting switchMove "" instead.

playMove is global, switchmove is not.

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I know I derp alot, but I've already tried everything with switchMove/playMove and used both on Remote Execution too. They DONT WORK for some odd reason.

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So it looked something like this?

player playMove "adthpercmstpslowwrfldnon_4";

removeAllWeapons player;
sleep 10;

player switchMove "";
[nil,player,rSwitchMove, ""] call RE; 

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yea i used the RE function too and it suddenly stopped working. but then when reading this thread i realized that i hadn't put down the functions module. stupid stupid stupid. thx for the pointer ;)

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Why would using Remote Execution on the player change anything? It's still only running the command on the player's computer not everyone else's.

And yes, it looked like that, but I don't need this question answered anymore anyway, so thanks for trying to help guys :) lol.

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It runs on everyone else's computer. That's the point of remote execution. :).

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not if you specify it to run on only the player. Syntax -

[calledBy,calledOn,command,code] call RE;

What i've experienced, if you don't use allUnits or playableUnits for the second param it doesn't run it on everyone's

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No, if you use rSwitchmove like this, the animation will be broadcast for everybody. As cuel said, that's the whole point of it. Broadcast as in everyone sees the specified unit play the animation, not in the sense that everyone will perform the animation.

   _nic = [objNull, UnitName, rSWITCHMOVE, "AnimationName"] call RE;


And by the way, are you actually using 'player' in the script? Best to name the unit something else if it's an MP mission.

Edited by 2nd Ranger

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not if you specify it to run on only the player. Syntax -

[calledBy,calledOn,command,code] call RE;

What i've experienced, if you don't use allUnits or playableUnits for the second param it doesn't run it on everyone's

Second parameter is only the target object.

Sounds like you're talking about the "loc" parameter, e.g

[calledBy,calledOn,[b]"loc"[/b],command,code] call RE;

Which means that it will only run where "calledOn" is local

"loc" - arbitrary parameter - executes remote script only on machine where nil_or_target_object is local

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hmm, my apologies, I was mislead because whenever I used rHINT I had to use either allUnits or playableUnits to broadcast it to everyone, thanks guys.

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