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Where do the ACE and Battle Center missions come from?

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This seems like a general enough question about the mission file structure of ArmA II so I'll ask here. I noticed that when disabling ACE and SIX modules (or even when not using other official addons) that the missions associated with those modules go away, too. I have never seen them stored locally on my PC in any mission directories. Are these fetched from some remote location or are they included within the PBO files of the previously mentioned mods? I've looked in the PBO files but find no reference to them.

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If i'm not mistaken, some mission maker include their missions in the module. So if you load arma2 without the module you wont see the missions.

Normal mission pbo are stored in the missions and multiplayer folder which can be seen even though the required mod are not loaded, it wont run of course unless it detect the appropriate mods are loaded.

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