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sound "" not found - trying to make "say3D" of default arma 2 music

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Ok, the prob is that I want to use "say3D" command, and the tracklist I wanna use consists of some default arma music http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Music.

I have a chopper (name "h1"), which should emit sound when some1 is near. I have a trigger, in it's act field

h1 say3D "Track10_Logistics";

. Then I have descriprion.ext and

class CfgMusic
 class Track10_Logistics
   name = "Track10_Logistics";
   sound[] = {"music\Track10_Logistics.ogg", db+1, 1.0};

in it.

When I start mission, trigger activated and it says

sound Track10_Logistics not found

I think the problem is that it searches sound in the mission folder. But I don't want to extract original sound, then copy it to mission and make it's size bigger, because I suppose it's unneccessary, as I use default arma 2 sound. So what am I doing wrong?

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playMusic will play music for all players on the server, which is very lame. I actually can try to avoid this by creating external script with

if ((p1 == player || p2 == player || p3 == player || p4 == player || p5 == player || p6 == player) && !isdedicated) then ...


but ideally the "Pub" building should emit sound with fading effect. And I do not (Am I too stupid?) understand what have you meant with

you need to redefine the track in class cfgSounds
and then coping my code without any changes. Can you show me how to redefine with an example??

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The example is just in my post above. :p

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You wrote:

class [color="#FF0000"]CfgSounds[/color]
 sounds[] = {};
 class Track10_Logistics
   name = "Track10_Logistics";
   sound[] = {"music\Track10_Logistics.ogg", 1, 1};
[color="#FF0000"]    titles[] = {};[/color]

instead of my

class [color="#0000CD"]CfgMusic[/color]
 class Track10_Logistics
   name = "Track10_Logistics";
   sound[] = {"music\Track10_Logistics.ogg", [color="#0000FF"]db+1[/color], 1[color="#0000FF"].0[/color]};

That's the only difference. I did that change in my description.ext - and nothing changed. It still says sound Track10_Logistics not found. :confused::confused::confused:

---------- Post added at 16:47 ---------- Previous post was at 16:24 ----------

Reloaded mission - now error "not found" diseappeared. But no sound is emitted... Argh...

---------- Post added at 17:08 ---------- Previous post was at 16:47 ----------

So no1 knows how to help me? really? ppl, which know how to use all scripts from the very OFP don't have a ready solution? I just need say3D to play not custom sound but original from music.pbo

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Can you path to internal music like that, or do you have to copy the music to your mission and thus increase it's size? I haven't tried music, but I've been unsuccessful trying to redefine internal sounds to other sound classes (like changing/copying "alarm" or whatever from cfgSound to cfgSFX).

Btw, I'm not sure if you can use the stereo sound files with say command. If you want spatial localization of the sound (vehicles, triggers etc), I suggest downsampling to 22kHz and compress the hell out of the file and just include it with the mission. If the vehicle is moving (like an attacking UH1Y playing "Ride of the Valkyrie" - classic :p), it will also be subject to doppler effect and sound way off what you expected.

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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Can you path to internal music like that

Can't! I was told that one can pass internal animations and etc. but not sounds! seems like BIS bug or mby because

Btw, I'm not sure if you can use the stereo sound files with say command

And yes

or do you have to copy the music to your mission and thus increase it's size?
- I CAN (not have to) copy that but it will increase size and may cause lags. Regarding to the fact I wanted to emit a number of tracks - this is not the solution.

What I'm trying now - is to make Jukebox module work ONLY for needed group of players. But yet I can't see the solution...

I would be very glad to see jukebox module in script version :)

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Yep, thx a lot for reply. But I've already found that script 2 days ago and used it. Now the problem is that CLY_Jukeboxkill command is not working. Idk why. If I set it in the script CLY_jukeboxkill>0 I can't hear any sounds at all. ANy conditions to kill it after it's launched are not successful

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