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Cant keep the Hueys in the air (military flashback missions)

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Hello all

I'm 99.9% sure this is not a problem with the game and is in fact something I'm just doing wrong, but I can't seem to keep the Hueys in the air on the military missions!

I take off and fly towards the objective as normal, flying straight and level I ensure that I am not exceeding the speed limit of the engine etc. Then before long the airframe begins to shake rapidly. This develops into violent shaking which eventually turns into the rotor blades slowing down to a stop (presumably as the engine has died) and I fall to the earth like a screaming khaki painted rock.

In conclusion I ask, what am I doing wrong!? I must be forgetting something stupid, but as a n00bie I just don't know! I've ensured that the blade lock is OFF... I just don't know what it is lol.

Thanks for your help.


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There are 3 forces that will damage your heli over time.

-Over speed (yellow is enough).

-Over G. Shouldnt be over 1. (hard turning and such)

-Over torque (Should never be red or yellow.)

The latter will destroy the engine after a SHORT while and they will shut down and you crash. The others will mainly just make the cockpit shake like hell.

If you look on the green collective (speed of main rotor) bar that goes up and down you will see that there is a white mark at about *70%. Thats where you should keep it while flying the Huey most of the time. Use the cycle (joystick) backwards if your altitude is dropping. Only increase the collective for a short while if needed, but never max it out on the Huey because it dosent like it. See TRQ

* You can see the white mark just under the green bar in this pic.

And if you are wondering. This is what the Hud lights mean.

ENG = Engine. If it goes red its game over for the heli.

TEMP = Engine temperature. If it goes red the engine is gone after a second. Usually happens if you over torque the engine to long or mess up on the starting process.

RPM = Round Pr Min. If its yellow or red it means the engine isnt turning fast enough to keep you in the air. Aka, bad.

MROT = Main rotor. The one over your head. If its damaged... Never seen it yellow. Usually it just goes red when you lose the rotor.

TRQ = Torque. Its goes yellow and red if the engine in its current situations, gaining altitude, turning, hovering etc, is turning its engine faster than its transmission can handle. If it goes yellow or red you MUST lower the collective strait away or the engine will go fubar! Lower the collective and raise the nose a bit to not fall if thats the issue.

(If you have a sensitive collective on your joystick I suggest you max out the dead zone on it in options ingame. Max deadzone is 10%.)

ATRQ = Rear rotor. Can go yellow if damaged. Goes red if you lose it.

BATT = Battery. Goes yellow and red if you are using more power than you are gaining from the engines. Common and normal at start up and will go away after a while. If you lose a engine on a two engine heli you need to turn on the APU (Rctrl+a) to not lose more than you use.

Fuel = Fuel. Goes yellow "early", but you should watch the it. Similar to cars.

Hope this helps you out a bit.

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Thanks, very comprehensive!

I'm sure its one of these, I'll give it a whirl (pun most definitely intended) tonight and post if I have any more problems.

Thanks once again.


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Also, which version of the game are you playing? There was one which had a stress damage issue in the Medium copter.

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Thanks for the replies guys;

@DnA - Running the Steam version so presumably it auto updates? If not, it would have been the Steam retail version as of four days ago.

@Snafu - Yes, started both and left both at full throttle, is this right?

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