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Need Help, removal question

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Hello Im pretty new to editing missions for ARMA 2 and have searched the forums for this and cant find anything. I place a BLUEFOR HMVEE and the unit already comes with a driver, how do i change the drivers gear? and not whats in the cargo of the hmvee. If not possible, is it possible to have some BLUEFOR units enter a empty BLUEFOR HMVEE and then possibly attach it to the group leader elsewhere? Thank for the help anyone.

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You just need to address the units, the following will give them both side arms.

driver this addMagazine "7Rnd_45ACP_1911" ; driver this addWeapon "Colt1911";

gunner this addMagazine "15Rnd_9x19_M9SD";gunner this addWeapon "M9SD";

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To expand on what F2k said, after naming each unit you place the above lines into any other unit's init field (should even work on the vehicle). Make sure you give the unit at least one magazine before you add the weapon in the init (the order matters, this basically loads that mag) and that you give him enough ammo that he won't freak out about "Out of ammo" and run all over the place like a lunatic.

It is also possible to place a unit into an empty vehicle, which is helpful when there isn't a pre-manned vehicle unit for the faction you want (eg. Taki militia doesn't have it's own V3S truck). You can add whatever gear to the unit, and then also place the following into their init (make sure both the unit and the vehicle are named). -- http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/moveInDriver

unitName moveInDriver vehiclename;

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