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My server is full I cannot get in. ideas? help!

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Quite comical I guess. My arma 2 Ao server Running Patrol ops 2. "The Yorkshire Puddings" is currently full.

I can not get into my own server, I have looked everywhere is there now way to reserve an admin slot?

Currently I have to get into the game then log in as admin, obviously I cannot do this while the server is full.

Can anybody help me with creating a passworded slot so I can always get in?

With thanks.


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Restart server from console and hurry up :D

Sorry, I don't think it's a PW protected slot in AA", add it to AA3 wish list, will you?

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Some of the i_client.sqf have a reserverd_slot ability, add the slot you want reserved then log in. Usually you have 20secs to log in to admin before it kicks you.



My bad, this is for domination.

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If you have BE RCon set up, you can use that to kick someone.

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Some of the i_client.sqf have a reserverd_slot ability, add the slot you want reserved then log in. Usually you have 20secs to log in to admin before it kicks you.



My bad, this is for domination.

Can you explain a little more? Sorry I am new to the back end of Arma.

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In our Domination missions, in the i_client.sqf we have this at the top:

// GVAR(reserverd_slot) gives you the ability to add a reserved slot for admins

// if you don't log in when you've chosen the slot, you'll get kicked after ~20 once the intro ended

// default is no check, example: GVAR(reserverd_slot) = "RESCUE";

GVAR(reserverd_slot) = "";

What ever name position you place in the quotes is the reserved slot.

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Brilliant thank you, I will give it a go. Where do I find the .sqf? I only have the 1 domination.pbo file.

So for First Artillary it would be : ?

GVAR(reserverd_slot) = "First Artillary";

Not sure correct name of the first artiallry in the game I presume it needs to be the same?

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Brilliant thank you, I will give it a go. Where do I find the .sqf? I only have the 1 domination.pbo file.

GVAR(reserverd_slot) = "First Artillary";

You do know how to unpack pbo's correct?

Exactly what the name of the player is in the editor.

If you are not sure on how to do any of this, just say the word and we will walk you through it.

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In the editor? We are talking about MP yes? am sorry yes but lost,

Just pick one of your player names and use it. Normally it is "RESCUE" but you can choose any of them. By name default: "RESCUE","RESCUE2","alpha_1","alpha_2","alpha_3","alpha_4","alpha_5","alpha_6","alpha_7","alpha_8","bravo_1","bravo_2","bravo_3","bravo_4","bravo_5","bravo_6","bravo_7","bravo_8","charlie_1","charlie_2","charlie_3","charlie_4","charlie_5","charlie_6","charlie_7","charlie_8","delta_1","delta_2","delta_3","delta_4"

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password-protected gaming slots support would be nice idea for Arma2 modmaking, btw ;)

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