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Way to disable auto rudder?

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My question... Is there a way to disable the auto rudder in Arma 2? I recently tried flying, and I find it easy to fly around, but when it comes to dogfighting or ground support, the stupid rudder acts as if it doesn't want to do what I tell it to. Every time I try to aim at a target, I use the rudder to make small left/right corrections, but I can't... Simply because when I move the rudder left/right, it counters my input by moving the opposite direction right after I release the button, causing my aim to go right back off target. It's like the plane is stuck in position when this happens. It won't allow me to move the plane left/right slightly, because it always snaps it back to where is was after I release the rudder. This is incredibly annoying.

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The rudder is automatically trying to keep the aircraft in coordinated flight. I do no believe there is a way to stop it from doing that.

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Well that really sucks. It really hampers the flying simulation. I'm going to suggest that they make a way to remove it now, and in both Arma 2 and Arma 3, just in case they do the same thing in 3.

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i could be wrong of course but i do believe that modern aircraft do this irl. something called "auto-torque" which keeps an aircraft from losing control at speed, something like traction control in a car. just hearsay from a buddy of mine in the air guard

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the aircraft in the game probably performs best with a proper flightstick controller

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the aircraft in the game probably performs best with a proper flightstick controller
That does not solve the problem that the aircraft starts swinging uncontrollable around the yaw axis after adjusting yaw for a gun attack. Happens with any kind of controller and has nothing to do with autoyaw control since it overcompensates instead of stabilizes.

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hello, i know this post is kinda ancient but it still the newest one i could find...

after some flying in dayz (i now higly regret i didnt buy it earlier) i also encountered the rudder problem and inspired by this thread (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?108410-A-fix-for-Full-Axis-throttle-mapping) it came to my mind that i could write a rudder fix with glovepie.

so here it is:

Keyboard.RepeatFakeKeys = False

PPJoy3.Analog6 = (Keyboard.P)/8

PPJoy3.Analog2 = (Keyboard.U)/8

if pressed (Keyboard.C) then

var.first = 1

end if

if pressed (Keyboard.X) then

var.first = 0

end if

if (var.first = 1) then



end if

if (var.first = 0) then



end if

basicly what it does is that if one of the rudder keys is released, it moves a slider of a virtual joystick to 1/8 of its direction, this will disable the oscillating of the rudder without changing the direction of the aircraft. how to set up glovepie and ppjoy is already described in the throttle-fix-thread, so i dont really wanna repeat it here.

i have just discoverd glovepie and ppjoy so i know this script can be simplified a lot, but it works fine for me so i dont really want to spent time and effort in it. this is why i had to use some additional keys (u and p, which before have to be deleted from the arma controls of course) because i dont know the commands to set joystick sliders.

also to get arma to recongize the virtual joystick the /8 has to be removed, otherwise the virtual slider movement will be too small for arma to detect.

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