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New mission needs beta testers!

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Dear OFP fans, my second mission is finished, and it is asking for beta-testers  biggrin.gif

If you have some spare time, please download it, play it a few times, and then tell me what you thought about it and give me any suggestions or problems you have/had  smile.gif

Should you run into lag-issues, please tell me where they occurred and what machine spec you are using. smile.gif

Thanks very much  smile.gif


EDIT: Stupid board is unable to deal with spaces in URL's


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Stupid Ronin who should know that spaces or capitals in a URL is a no no smile.gif

use %20 to replace a space, but better still you shouldn't use spaces _ works just as well.

You should also have said that it's 1.78mb and why it's 1.78mb, as well as what addons are required smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ June 23 2002,13:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Stupid Ronin who should know that spaces or capitals in a URL is a no no smile.gif

use %20 to replace a space, but better still you shouldn't use spaces _ works just as well.

You should also have said that it's 1.78mb and why it's 1.78mb, as well as what addons are required smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>


Okok, it is 1.78 MB because it features custom radio, custom music, and it uses the folloowing addons:

Winter Kolgujev

Ash's Arctic Armour

Kegety's Winter Vehicles

Links to those addons are in the readme.txt smile.gif

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1. The overview pic is too blurry to be enjoyable/significant.

2. The overview text is about the same as the briefing text. The overview text should be a paragraph long and maybe include the author's name and email address.

3. The overview/briefing text is much to melodramatic. Actually, shmaltzy is the word I was looking for. tounge.gif

4. I loved the cutscene with the Soviet anthem! Pity it was cuts short before the anthem completed.

5. Briefing has some minor format problems that need cleaning up.

6. In the notes, he refers to his parents as Mum and Dad, I don't think so! Try Mother/Father or Mama/Papa.

7. The music played while in the truck is drowned out by the sound of the engine. Frankly, that whole truck ride was excessive. Consider starting the mission at the make-shift base.

8. Lag wise, there was too much lag for my system to enjoy playing the mission. That is, it was playable but not enjoyable, due to the lag, which is what got me killed at the base. sad.giftounge.gif I have only slight lag when playing the official Battlefields SP mission. My specs are an IBM Thinkpad T20, PIII 700, 256MB with an onboard Savage Mark IX 8MB video chipset.

There is a certain general problem with winter missions where all the soldiers are in winter camo. It is much harder for the player's eyes to identify enemies in winter camo than it is for the AI to identify the enemy player in winter camo. IMO, this gives an unfair advantage to the AI. There are 2 ways to rectify it:

1) by not having any enemy winter camo soldiers


2) by having only a limited amount or only certain classes of enemy winter camo soldiers.

In either case, I think that the mission briefing or notes should contain comparison pics of friendlies and enemies in winter camo as a visual training on how to discern between the sides.

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Yes the lag was way to much.

My spec 1.4 GHZ, 512 SD ram, GF2 ultra.

Also the attack on the base just seems a little wild. Mark out on the map the route of attack for the armour etc.

But on the whole a good mission.


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Yeah my system is a 1.8ghz, 512k, GF4 and the mission runs laggy! (a little bit)

Learn to make better missions Ex-Ronin! wink.gif

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Ok, Lag will be reduced, I MIGHT change the intro video a bit. Briefing I can't fix because I have no idea how. Maybe more custom music for the truck rides.

Did anyone actually manage to take the base?

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Try the following to fix overview/briefing:

First, use notepad to open you overview/briefing, gives heaps more control over the format.

As you spent time on your story, and want to tell it, try sections in your briefing. A Main briefing longer than 2 pages will give that ugly and weird spacing problem.

So, put a short, clear description of the mission, then before the objective list put (using avons example):

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

<a href="#intel">Enemy Camoflage</a>


<a href="#intel">Detailed Scenario</a>

<span id='postcolor'>

Then somewhere under the objectives, but before the debriefs, put:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

<h2><a name="intel">Camo Intel</a></h2>



<p align="center"><img src="westcamo.jpg" width="256" height="128"><br>

<p align="center"><img src="eastcamo.jpg" width="256" height="128"><br>

You can put text and links in this section here <a href="marker:markername">Link Text</a>.





<a href="#plan">Back to Plan</a><br>

<a href="#intel1">Next</a>



<span id='postcolor'>

You can make as many sections as you like, allowing as much detail as you like, while keeping it clean and tidy.


</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">



<span id='postcolor'>

to space the paragraphs.

The same can be done for overview.

If you (in notepad) cut and past your overview into this code (and change pic details):

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">



<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250">

<meta name="GENERATOR" content="JISGF Mission Helper">



<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">



<h2 align="center"><a name="Main"></a>Mission Name</h2>

<h4><p align="center"><img src="picname.paa" width="200" height="90">



Text Here



Text Here







<span id='postcolor'>

The text will appear smaller and look good.

A few mins spent learning how to alter your briefing in notepad will help alot in future mission making.

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I'd really like to test the new mission. Where should i go to download the Winter addons needed to run it? If someone could send me the URLs to good addons & missions sites it'd be great.



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Look in the readme.txt in the mission zip.

It will point you in the direction if you don't have the addons.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Missionman @ June 23 2002,22:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hey!

I'd really like to test the new mission. Where should i go to download the Winter addons needed to run it? If someone could send me the URLs to good addons & missions sites it'd be great.


Missionman<span id='postcolor'>

Yeapp, readme.txt will link you with the Editing Center, one of the best site for mission editing and addons. Just copy and paste the URL's and be prepared for a big download smile.gif

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