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Submarines and Naval Battles

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Would be nice to have some good old Janes 688i Hunter/Killer type of gameplay ;-).

Who's up for a hunt for Red October? :yay:

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Full scale war? There's probably a cap on the amount of groups. It makes you wonder where they would fit in even if implemented, I mean it's a huge water space to maneuver around which may open up the possibilities but thinking small-scale to fill in the gaps they should add canoes and small boats like RHIB's or future equivalents/variants.

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As gnat sed, walkable decks that's what arma series really need from vbs (and the gore but it's offtopic)

I see pretty usless a frigate without any chanche to walk on or inside...

Anyone know if they are going to increment the size supportable for oxygen?as I know it's a pain in the ass work with proxies, don't have those kida of updates wouldn't help modders jump over the sea battles...

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