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Mod + Mission, Intergrate.

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Hi all,

I have been working on a mission for some time now, currently I have some required mods that players need in order to connect to the server, the mods are not large, only a few KB in size, however the users still need to download \ install then execute the mod with the game in order to connect (I know I can remove the mod from the mission requirements but I want all players to have the same experience).

So here is my question how can I integrate the mod into the mission? Is this possible? It seem like it should be something the game should allow me to do… But I cannot find any examples of this.

To be more specific, can I access and make changes to the CFGWeapon class from a mission? If so can someone please provide me with an example?

If this is not possible can we please make some noise so BI can add this as a feature, as it would be a very useful!


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i see two problems.

1. you can't just take other people's work and integrate it into your own without permission.

2. as far as i know, you can only define sounds (CfgSounds), music (CfgMusic) and stuff like dialogs in missions.

weapons and stuff like that is loaded when the game starts so there's no way of modifying it on the fly.

which mods are you talking about and why not just link to them like everyone else does? i mean just announce your session on the forums and tell people what they need.

what you are suggesting here seems kind of impossible and pointless. just because arma has thousands of awesome mods doesn't mean it has to automaticly download them on people's pc when they connect. i wouldn't want that.

anyways just give more information on which mods you're talking about. maybe it can be done via scripts.

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Thanks for the reply.

1: I am not stealing anyone else's work, and even if I was integrating someone else's mod into a mission that is not stealing, as long as you provide credits I don't see the problem.

2: My mod is quite simple, it disables tab locking in tanks (say the M1A2 and T90 for example), I do this with the code below, if you know a way to do this server side then please let me know.

3: BI really need to add this into the game, having to download mods that are only making tiny changes to some class structures is stupid, there is no reason why this should not be possible from within the mission.

class CfgPatches {

class TestClassV1 {

units[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.0;



class cfgWeapons


class CannonCore; // External class reference

class MissileLauncher;

class LauncherCore;

class Launcher : LauncherCore


canlock = 0;


class AT5Launcher : MissileLauncher


canlock = 0;


class M256 : CannonCore


canlock = 0;


class D81 : CannonCore


canlock = 0;


class 2A42 : CannonCore


canlock = 0;



class CfgVehicles


class All{};

class AllVehicles: All{};

class Land: AllVehicles{};

class LandVehicle: Land{};

class Tank: LandVehicle


commanderCanSee = "2 + 4 + 8 + 16";

gunnerCanSee = "2 + 4 + 8 + 16";

driverCanSee = "2 + 4 + 8 + 16";



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i didn't say you were stealing others work. what i meant is that you can't just unpack an addon another person made and use parts of it in your own stuff without asking. didn't accuse you of anything. just wanted to let you know.

as for the mission config stuff. as i said i don't think you can influence vehicle or weapon classes from inside a mission.

just cursing the whole system won't help you. there's a reason the whole code isn't just open source at any point and time. i mean cheating is already way too easy in this game.

what exactly do you want to achieve?

if you want to disable a certain kind of guided missile on some tanks you could just remove the ammunition for said missile from every tank. to me it sounds like you want to balance the mission in some way. but without more details it's really hard to tell.

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Has anyone come up with a solution to this in Arma 3?

The idea is sound. Not everyone has the same mods and nor should they. It makes sense to package the mods / addons required in the mission itself, in the same way you package scripts into a mission.

Thanks in advance.


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It makes sense to package the mods / addons required in the mission itself, in the same way you package scripts into a mission.

It would be simpler to have folks just download the required files needed for a mission then to have folks

download a large file of stuff you want them to, they want the mission based on the context of it,

so for example if the mission is for ACE then it requires ace.

On armaholic when you have a mission listed for download, any requirements you stipulate in the file submit page

gets linked on the download page for the mission, this way when folks go to download the mission they

see that it requires Ace, or some other file needed.

Also it depends on the mission, with some mods unless a mod has some sort of thing you can add to a mission like a unit, weapon, module, ect,. then there are no requirements, gameplay mods in general dont have any requirements other then the cba files which you need anyways if you plan on using then,

mission wise again unless you have it in the mission then there are no requirements or such requirements should be listed, all you can do is recommend.

Welcome to BIS forums btw Big_Jas!

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The Closer to Vanilla a mission is the more likely you will get players to join. I see some that require a long list of mods to be installed to play. Im sure it may be awesome but Im not going to go download 12 mods in order to play one server. I really want to add 2-3 mods to a couple mission/map/mode Im building. Its on a downloaded map (Emita and Lingor) so those are required downloads. Im wanting to add in DDOPLER's awesome Tazer mod, how can you have a lifeserver without this mod. I love the RH Pistols mod, want it in as well. And Lastly another awesome mod the Alienz Mod.

The Lingor Map Im doing is a life server Im calling "Lingor Alien Life" Here is a video of what I have working so far.

By adding in mods to my missions it makes it so all you need is the MAP and you can join.

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