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Need help with Briefing

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seriously I have been stuck here for 2 days trying to figure this one out and it just isn't funny

I've read through every possible post about this issue and havent found a solution.. gone through allot of templates

I make a script with A2B editor for my mission im currently trying to make on the arma 2 unsung mod (Vietnam)

save the sqf files in the mission etc, execVM "briefing.sqf"; in the init.sqf folder

I go and load the mission and.. No briefing just straight too the action.

I've even disabled all Mods and still cant get a briefing


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In the editor? Briefings do not show up when previewing unless you press shift+mouse1 on the preview button. But that seems to be bugged sometimes.

Export the mission to sp/mp and then try playing it and see if you get the briefing.

If your problem is that notes are not added at all, post your briefing.sqf

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What is in your "briefing.sqf"? and is it in your main mission directory along side the mission.sqm?

Post the content of the briefing.sqf here, with the code tags.

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What is in your "briefing.sqf"? and is it in your main mission directory along side the mission.sqm?

Post the content of the briefing.sqf here, with the code tags.

yes In the mission directory in arma 2 missions in the correct folder for the mission: mission sqm.file, init.sqf.file and briefing sqf. file..

is this the correct line to have in the init.sqf file? "[]execVM"briefing.sqf" ??

haven't finnished my briefing yet but my plan is to have all my marines cooped up in a firebase under surprise attack by the Vietkong in the Tet offensive. I usually try and I test this:

// Created in A2B Editor by EMSI

Defend Base = player createSimpleTask ["Eliminate Vietkong invaders"];

Eliminate VC Mortar Team setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "VC mortar");

I whack that from A2B to my briefing sqf. file then open arma 2.. scenarios.. mission "Tet offensive" and nada on the tasks lines or any briefing atall

I know Im doing something wrong but bare with me please I'm a complete noob all I need is the correct commands

Edited by reservoirjoe

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Ok so in your init.sqf file you have the following correct?

[] execVM "briefing.sqf";

Then the briefing.sqf you might want to change to something like this:

task1 = player createSimpleTask ["OBJ_1"];
task1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Eliminate Vietcong Mortar", "Eliminate Vietcong Mortar", "Eliminate Vietcong Mortar"];
task1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "VCmortar");
task1 setTaskState "Created";

Just a tip, but i always find it best to make sure any object "names" whether it be markers or units are done without a space, in reference to your "VC mortar" marker name.

Edited by Shadow.D. ^BOB^

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thanks for touching up my brief script but still no joy man :/

[] execVM "briefing.sqf"; is exactly how I have it

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Hmmm cant see why that wouldnt work...

Just to double check, when you bring up your map once in mission. There are no "Tasks"?

The above code is for tasks only, if you wanted a briefing as such you would need something like this in the briefing.sqf

// The code below creates the mission sub-section of notes.

_mis = player createDiaryRecord ["diary", ["Mission","

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You did read this from cuel correct?

In the editor? Briefings do not show up when previewing unless you press shift+mouse1 on the preview button. But that seems to be bugged sometimes.

Export the mission to sp/mp and then try playing it and see if you get the briefing.

Where are you testing or trying to see your briefing at?

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You need to make a Briefing.html file, then you'll be able to preview it.


The Briefing.html can be blank.

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yea even when I press M n get my map up No tasks to be seen... ok ok how do I create a briefing.html?? what do i put in it?

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Just open up a new notepad file and paste the following:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250">

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

<! --- ----------------------------->
<! --- DEBRIEFINGS                -->
<! --- ----------------------------->

<h2><a name="Debriefing:End1">Ending #1</a></h2>
*** Insert debriefing #1 here. ***

<h2><a name="Debriefing:End2">Ending #2</a></h2>
*** Insert debriefing #2 here. ***

<h2><a name="Debriefing:End3">Ending #3</a></h2>
*** Insert debriefing #3 here. ***

<h2><a name="Debriefing:End4">Ending #4</a></h2>
*** Insert debriefing #4 here. ***

<h2><a name="Debriefing:End5">Ending #5</a></h2>
*** Insert debriefing #5 here. ***

<h2><a name="Debriefing:End6">Ending #6</a></h2>
*** Insert debriefing #6 here. ***

<! --- ----------------------------->
<! --- End of DEBRIEFINGS         -->
<! --- ----------------------------->


Then Save As, call the file briefing.html

Make sure you set the save as type to All Files. Just put that into the mission folder along side the briefing.sqf

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yea even when I press M n get my map up No tasks to be seen... ok ok how do I create a briefing.html?? what do i put in it?

Give me a link to your mission.

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yea even when I press M n get my map up No tasks to be seen... ok ok how do I create a briefing.html?? what do i put in it?

If you're not seeing the briefing on the map screen, that means it's not made right. Did you specify a side? (west=BLUFOR, east=OPFOR)

Here is a sample briefing.sqf that I'm using for one of my new missions.

waitUntil {!(isNull player)};
waitUntil {player==player};
switch (side player) do
case WEST:
player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",["Situation","The heavily forested mountains in this area make for good cover against air assets, and being close to a town makes it a risky target to bomb.  Careful firing and spotting is necessary for the completion of this mission."]];

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",["Briefing","DELTA ECKO CHARLY is temporarily holding a <marker name='base2'>firing position</marker> on a hill west of the Durman forests and <marker name='town'>Timurkalay</marker>.  Spotters will locate insurgent activity in the woods and assist mortar gunners."]];

tskObj_2=player createSimpleTask ["Return to Base"];
tskObj_2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Return to base after firing and surveying the area.","Return to Base","Return to Base"];
tskObj_1=player createSimpleTask ["Spot insurgent activity in forest"];
tskObj_1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Look for armed vehicles and fire upon them.","Spot insurgent activity in forest","Spot insurgent activity in forest"];

player setCurrentTask tskObj_1;
tskObj_1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mark1");
tskObj_2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "base2");
case EAST:

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ok I have just used your sample briefing, put it in my briefing.sqf and it still doesnt work? also tried a briefing.html and nope! :( this is eating into my time

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Hey guys just too let you know Ive fixed this issue.. I wasnt saving the game file once I saved the briefing file. that was all I had too do!

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