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Is it allowed to convert and release Sahrani, Rahmadi, Porto and other A1 islands?

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Simple question, but difficult answer.

I'm converting these islands to Arma 2 for my own use but I just wanted to know whether I would be allowed to release them. I supose the anwser is yes, because the CAA1 project already released them a couple of years ago, but I prefer to check to avoid serious problems.


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you need to contact BI to get permission

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If i may ask whats the sense on converting islands when the islands have already been converted?

I mean are you doing something special, or something that the Caa1 project hasn't done already?

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Primarily I want to add compatibility with ALICE, SILVIE and WAR modules.

This requires some building editing. Also the CAA1 installation was huge. I want to reduce the size of the installed files to a minimum.

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Oh ok, good deal, you could better organize the files too so that specific files are labeled for one island at a time so that anyone can

see that only lets say for example these 4 files are needed for Sahrani, and those 3 files are for Rahmadi.

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