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Pirog campaign question:Stuck in mission 1

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HI all

I am a newbie in the game (ARMA 2) and so i wanted to share a problem i've been having in the very first mission of the Pirog campaign.

The problem is that it is simply IMPOSSIBLE to complete the first mission!! I know i am a rookie (although i am not new to FPS games) but i really don't know if i am doing something wrong.

I don't know if it's because i set the difficulty to Expert, although i reduced the difficulty of both friendly and enemy soldiers to Normal (0.80). I also set Super AI to Enabled.

I really love the game, it is amazing. But after having restarted the mission more than 20.000 times i am really on the verge of quitting it.

I begin the mission and i manage to capture the airport more or less easily and i even have all or most of my squad members alive. And then i find it simply impossible to get to the top of the hill without getting my squad

(and me eventually) wiped out by invisible soldiers from the trees at the hilltop. Another problem is that all those Spetsnaz and friendly infantry guys at the airport do not move towards the hill and i have to do it alone.

I've even tried flanking the hill from the NW and through the forest but still as soon as i reached the top i got wiped out by 2 or 3 (?) enemy soldiers.

Could it be that enemy soldiers are that good? i have NEVER managed to see what killed me, neither short nor long shots.

I have played enough missions as a squad leader and i can move them around fairly well (or so i assume).

One last question is whether i can set the difficulty to a level that would make the game both challenging and playable at the same time. Or again am i doing something horribly wrong?

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I remember that i clear that hill in this mission (i dont finished this campaign yet). Maybe take only part of your team (if you dont want to lose to many people), go prone and move slow. Use grenades, throw them at hill.

Ps: use search first, im sure you can find here thread about this campaign, you dont have to start new thread then.

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First: Ask this in the campaign thread!

Second: Do you use any Mods?

I didn´t have any problems clearing that hill, there are only 1 or 2 enemy squads up there.

Clear the airport and try not to loose any men (especially your medic, you will need them), stick to the hangars, they will give you some cover. The enemy will try to counter attack from the south, so watch out.

Go up the hill but stay clear from the mortar fire left of the road. I think there is a sniper on the radio tower, maybe he is killing you, try to kill him as soon as possible. When you reach the treeline on the hill bombard the area around the tower with HE Grenades. Hill cleared? Don´t celebrate too much, the difficult task is still ahead of you.

Don´t give up, the campaign is very good.

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Thanks guys

Sorry for starting a new thread but i was so frustrated by my performance on the mission that i blacked out :)

I have tried throwing grenades (seven of them) but to no avail. I have also gone prone but i still get killed.

Thanks for the advice Tonci i'll try again with a different approach although concerning the hangars there is a small problem that has to do with the behaviour of my squad members,

which based on what i have seen from the game it happens a lot. They simply ignore my orders to move into the hangars despite the fact that i order all of them to move inside. Two or three of them

do come inside but the rest stay outside in random locations getting shot at by the enemy.

As for mods i don't use any at the moment mainly because they are so many that i don't know what to choose :)

Thanks again for your time

Edited by Byzantine

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Or again am i doing something horribly wrong?

Well, yes IMHO. You've set the difficulty too high if you've only just started playing, and one choice in particular is really inappropriate. This:

I also set Super AI to Enabled.

will turn the AI into "AK snipers" - headshots at 800m. Turn that off to start with.

Then lower the difficulty setting for the enemy AI until you find you survive a reasonable length of time - or you'll just get frustrated & won't progress (hard to learn anything if you are dead).

The AI in Arma is very different to the scripted cannon-fodder in FPS games. The enemy will use cover, flank you, etc., all from the game engine. It isn't perfect by any means, but it makes ArmA AI tougher than in any other game.

PS - do carry on, it's a great campaign - and IMO Chesty Puller is even better; I had great fun playing through them. Bardosy is an excellent designer.

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I also set Super AI to Enabled.

Oh yes, turn that one off. It makes every AI a Sniper

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