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proxy probem, units in cargo are flying!

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Hi, I decided to take the hilux sample and add more cargo positions than just the actual 2 it has (the driver and 1 passenger), the first step worked for me (to have the hilux as woking in-game), then I added 2 new cargos in the rear side so they seem they are sat and it worked for me with no problems so I have a hilux with 1 driver and 1 passenger in the front part of the vehicle and 2 passengers behind, at this point config and P3D model are ok.

So what do I do next? I add 2 proxies more in all the LODs needed of the P3D model and I add the new cargos to the config file so I have this in:

class MyAddon:MyCar //(which already inherits the base class "car" and so on)


transportSoldier = ;

cargoAction[] = {"Hilux_cargo01", "MH6_cargo02", "MH6_Cargo03", "MH6_Cargo04", "MH6_Cargo05"};


so that cargo 1 is front passenger, cargo 02 and 03 are the passengers in the rear side that work well and cargo 04 and 05 in the rear side that are flying, I should say that

this 2 last soldiers are not in the animated possition they should be as they are almost kneed (not usin the MH6 animation).

Any ideas?

I tried putting the proxies in a longer distances from each other but it is not working, I also changed the altitud in the 3d model (as that was my problem with the first 2 soldiers added), so I have no more ideas.

Please help!

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Hmm first transportsoldier = 5;

Maybe this MH6_Cargo04", "MH6_Cargo05. Are wrong or not exist animations ?

Just use 2 and 4 again .

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To explain further, you dont need names 01-05 .... those numbers only refer to the type of stance each might have.

In reality they can all be "MH6_Cargo03" for all the game cares. In that case all the guys in cargo will have exactly the same stance (or sitting position).

I assume when you created each proxy you called them "cargo", nothing more, nothing less. The numbering is automatic

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