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Passing variables within a script and it's scripted waypoints

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48 hours later... no sleep.... still working on this....

I have a script that does this...

_plane setVariable ["onTarget",false,true];

_wp1 = _newGroup addWaypoint [_planepos,0];
[_newGroup, 1] setWaypointType "MOVE";
[_newGroup, 1] setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
[_newGroup, 1] setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS";

_wp2 = _newGroup addWaypoint [_targetpos,0];
[_newGroup, 2] setWaypointType "MOVE";
[_newGroup, 2] setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
[_newGroup, 2] setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS";
[_newGroup, 2] setWaypointStatements ["true", "(vehicle this) setVariable [""onTarget"",true,true];hint ""Waypoint Reached"""];

_wp3 = _newGroup addWaypoint [_planepos,0];
[_newGroup, 3] setWaypointType "MOVE";
[_newGroup, 3] setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
[_newGroup, 3] setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS";
[_newGroup, 3] setWaypointStatements ["true", "{deletevehicle _x} foreach crew (vehicle this);deleteVehicle (vehicle this);deleteVehicle this"];

waitUntil {sleep 1; (_plane getVariable ["onTarget", true])};

_bomb1 = "Bo_Mk82"  createVehicle [(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 0)-100,(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 1)-100,(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 2)+5];
sleep 2;
_bomb2 = "Bo_Mk82"  createVehicle [(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 0)+100,(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 1)-100,(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 2)+5];
sleep 1;
_bomb3 = "Bo_Mk82"  createVehicle [(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 0)-100,(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 1)+100,(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 2)+5];
sleep 3;
_bomb4 = "Bo_Mk82"  createVehicle [(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 0)+100,(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 1)+100,(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 2)+5];
sleep 2;
_bomb5 = "Bo_Mk82"  createVehicle [(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 0),(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 1),(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 2)+5];
sleep 1;
_bomb6 = "Bo_Mk82"  createVehicle [(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 0),(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 1)+50,(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 2)+5];
sleep 3;
_bomb7 = "Bo_Mk82"  createVehicle [(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 0),(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 1)-50,(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 2)+5];
sleep 2;
_bomb8 = "Bo_Mk82"  createVehicle [(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 0)-100,(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 1),(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 2)+5];
sleep 1;
_bomb9 = "Bo_Mk82"  createVehicle [(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 0)+100,(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 1),(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 2)+5];

The bombs don't drop, it seems so simple.

I set the variable "onTarget" to false in the beginning....

I set the same variable to true in the waypoint...

Then, I check to see if the variable is true, if it is, then drop bombs.

Why is ArmA2 not cooperating with me?

Sorry, I have been up for a long time.

Please help,



I left out the part of the script where "_plane" is created, please don't be distracted by that, it gets created and flies to it's waypoints, trust me, that is not the problem.

The bit that I posted is where the problem exists.

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48 hours later... no sleep.... still working on this....

I highly recommend to get some sleep, this doesn't belong to Addons - Config & Scripts, more likely to mission editing. ;)


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As it works for me I have to think you have the wrong marker name.

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Thanks for your replies guys..

It seems as though I was looking in the wrong place for the problem here, I was passing variables just fine it seems.

The problem exists in the positioning for the bomb spawn positions...

_bomb1 = "Bo_Mk82"  createVehicle [(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 0)-100,(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 1)-100,(getMarkerPos "mk_mandoairsupport" select 2)+5];

You see, I was using Mando's CAS console to run this script through, that Marker only exists when the console is open...

If I call the strike... then exit the console.. the script does not know where that marker is, so no bombs.

The variable "_targetpos" however is being sent to this script from outside "_this select 1;"

So, I just had to change to this...

_bomb1 = "Bo_Mk82"  createVehicle [(_targetpos select 0)-100,(_targetpos select 1)-100,(_targetpos select 2)+5];

By setting it up that way, I can have the console open or closed and the script is still able to find "_targetpos".

So.. thanks



My reasoning for posting in "configs and scripting" and not "mission editing and scripting" was because most scripts that I write, I execute them from within the config of a unit via an EH.

This saves me from having to edit thousands of missions in order to have this ability in every mission.

Gets me into trouble sometimes when posting.

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